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Maintenance №:3 Year:2014(№29)

Antakov A.B., Antakov I.A.  Experimental studies of flexural members with fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcementСтр.7
Ahmetzianov F.Kh.  To the inhibition effect of the strength crack with shrinkage cracked at cement stoneСтр.14
Varlamov A.A.  Model of elastic behavior of concreteСтр.19
Zamaliev F.S., Bikkinin E.G.  On the calculation of steel-concrete plates reinforced by ribsСтр.27
Ivantsov A.I., Kupriyanov V.N.  Operating conditions of multilayer external walls as the basis of their service life predictionСтр.32
Kliueva N.V., Kolchunov Vl.I., Yakovenko I.A.  Problem tasks of development of hypotheses of mechanics of destruction in relation to calculation of ferroconcrete designsСтр.41
Krishan A.L., Melnichuk A.S.  Durability and strain capacity of short concrete-filled steel tube columns with square cross-sectionСтр.46
Kuznetsov I.L., Ramazanov R.R., Fakhrutdinov A.E.  Development and research of new types of joints of thin-walled elementsСтр.51
Lizunova N.S.  Computer modeling of the stress-strain state of plug joints reinforced concrete columns under shearСтр.56
Plevkov V.S., Goncharov M.E.  Features of work of combined ferroconcrete columns joints at short-term dynamic loadingСтр.62
Sokolov B.S.  Creation, application and development of the theory the power resistance to compression the anisotropic materialsСтр.68
Sokolov B.S., Аntakov А.B.  New approach to calculation of stone layingsСтр.75
Sokolov B.S., Troshkov E.O.  Comparison of the static calculation results of reinforced concrete flat plate floor system obtained by different methodsСтр.82
Khairullin L.R.  The results of modeling of new constructive solutions of sandwich panels with vertical reinforcing elementsСтр.88
Buslov A.S., Bakulina A.A.  Fracture mechanics application to nonlinear damage-hardening model of soil baseСтр.93
Akulova I.I., Chernyshov E.M., Panibratov Yu.P.  Resistance to destruction of construction materials and designs in categories of economyСтр.98
Bogdanov A.N., Abdrahmanova L.A.  The influence of chemical and mineral constitution of clays on their drying propertiesСтр.103
Izryadnova O.V., Gordina A.F., Iakovlev G.I., Ficher H.-B.  Regulation of morphology of crystalline hydrates in structure of the plaster matrix ultra- and nanodisperse additivesСтр.108
Korobko O.A., Sukhanov V.G., Vyrovoy V.N., Tofanilo V.U.  The role of deformations in the «life» of concreteСтр.114
Makridin N.I., Tarakanov O.V., Maksimova I.N., Surov I.A.  Fracture mechanics of sand concrete and fiber concreteСтр.122
Oreshkin D.V., Korolev E.V., Semenov V.S., Pervushin G.N.  The true area of destruction of lightweight backfill materials at the equilibrium testsСтр.127
Smirnov D.S., Kamalova Z.A., Rachimov R.Z.  Assessment of corrosion resistance of the steel armature in a modified concreteСтр.133
Stroganov V.F., Sagadeev E.V.  The problems of biodeterioration of mineral construction materials in model testСтр.140
Khaliullin M.I., Rakhimov R.Z., Gaifullin A.R.  Influence of a complex modifying additive on the composition, structure and properties of artificial stone on the basis of composite gypsum binderСтр.148
Chernyshоv E.M., Slavcheva G.S., Artamonova O.V.  To the conceptual models of fracture resistance management of nanomodified structures of conglomerate construction compositesСтр.156
Kuliev V.D., Zaitsev Y.V., Sultygova P.S.  Destruction laminates with a fatigue crackСтр.162
ECOLOGY (in building)
Medvedeva G.A., Akhmetova R.T., Stroganov V.F., Dirgamova L.R.  The sulfur and ash wastes utilization technology in silicate concretes productionСтр.167
Belov V.V., Obraztsov I.V.  Computer optimization of grain compositions building composites based on cement-mineral mixturesСтр.172
Kayumov R.A., Shakirzyanov F.R., Butenko A.V.  Approximate method for calculating the hereditary theory of creep deformation and comparision with the incremental theoryСтр.179
Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


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