About electronic journal
Electronic scientific publication News of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
THE FOUNDER AND THE PUBLISHER: FGEO HE "Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering"
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Dr. tech. sci., prof. Nizamov R.K.
DEPUTY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Dr. tech. sci., prof. Sadykov R.A.
Ahmadiev F.G., Dr. tech. sci., prof. corr.-m. AS RT;
Esaulov G.V., Dr. arch. sci., prof., member of the Academy of RAACS;
Ziiatdinov N.N., Dr. tech. sci., prof.;
Ilichev V.A., Dr. tech. sci., prof., First Vice President of RAACS;
Kayumov R.A., Dr. phys-mat. sci., prof.;
Korolev E.V., Dr. tech. sci., prof.;
Latypov R.Kh., Dr. tech. sci., prof.;
Mirsayapov I.T., Dr. tech. sci., prof.;
Stroganov V.F., Dr. chem. sci., prof., honorary m. of RAACS;
Suleimanov A.M., Dr. tech. sci., prof. corr.-m. AS RT;
Khozin V.G., Dr. tech. sci., prof.
Figovskiy О.L., prof., member of EAS, foreign member of RAACS, founder and R&D the Polymate Ltd. - International Nanotechnology Research Centre (Israel);
Fischer H.-B., Dr.-Ing. (Germany);
Hassan Abdalla, prof., Dean of the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering (ACE) at University of East London and visiting Professor at Cranfield University (Great Britain);
Yanotka I., Cand. tech. sci., head of unit of Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný, n. o. (Building Testing and Research Institute (Slovakia).
Technical editor: Bibikina A.R.
Lay-out: Bibikina A.R.
Design and support: Faleev V.I.
Web-site: https://izvestija.kgasu.ru
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Editorial address: 420043, Kazan, Zelenaya 1, office 79
Tel. (843) 510-46-39, fax (843) 238-37-71