KSUAE Publishing house - Известия Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета.

Включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, определяемый ВАК

KSUAE Publishing house

According to the order of KSUAE in September, 2012, Publishing Department, Printing and duplicating Department were reorganized in Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering Publishing House.

KSUAE Publishing house organizes its work on the basis of «Regulations about the publishing house», «Regulations on the preparation of manuscripts for publication in KSUAE» on the basis of orders, instructions, operating in KSUAE

Director of the publishing house:

Abdulzyanova Larisa Ivanovna

Deputy Director of the printing work

Slastnikova Valentina Nikolaevna

Deputy Director of the publishing work

Kirillovich Evgeny Alexandrovich

Main activities:

  •  Formation of the Publishing house work plan for the year (taking orders from departments and divisions, layout plans for the publication of educational and scientific literature and manuals).
  •  Advising authors on registration of manuscripts for publication
  •  Editing manuscripts by scientific, educational literature
  • Duplication of manuscripts, planned works, binding, adhesive binding

Monday – Friday from 8.30 Am to 5.00 Pm

Dinner from 12.30 Am to 1.00 Pm

Weekend: Saturday, Sunday.

420061, Kazan, N. Ershova str., 31B

Phone: +7 (843) 272-97-51, 272-97-22

Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


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