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Dear reader!

Thank you for your interest in our electronic scientific edition (ESE) – “News of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering”.
ESE’s founder is a Federal state educational institution of higher education Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE). The University is a leading educational institution of the Volga region among the civil construction schools Association of Russia. It is a major scientific and educational center providing training services for civil construction, housing, road construction and other areas of the Russian economy. The University has a high scientific potential: about 60 doctors of science and professors, more than 250 other scientific degree holders are involved in the students training.
Since 2003 the University has been publishing the “News of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering ” scientific journal together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Transport and Road Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan. The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communication and Cultural Heritage Protection (Registration Certificate PI № FS77-25136 dated 20 July 2006). Since 2006 ESE is released along with its printed version (Registration Certificate № E-FS77-31046 dated 25 January 2008 by the Federal Service for Supervision in the area of Mass Communication and Cultural Heritage Protection, registration certificate № 350 dated 20 September 2010 by the FSUE SEC "INFORMREGISTER" electronic publications depository). The ESE is indexed in Scientific Electronic Library, eLIBRARY.RU base. It also has been included into international database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory since November 2010, for an unlimited period of time.
The articles authors are the scientists of KSUAE and other leading universities of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. Scientific research and industrial organizations are encouraged to participate in the journal publication. Having published scientific articles reviewed by at least two organizations is a mandatory requirement. The University expert committee of scientific articles review consists of higher qualification specialists: professors, doctors of science. The articles are selected by the novelty criteria and scientific, technical problems.
In April 2008 the magazine was listed among the leading referred to scientific journals and publications defined by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), recommended for publication of major scientific results of doctor and magister dissertations in the area of construction and architecture.
According to the specialties researchers nomenclature approved by HAC the subjects published in the journal are as follows:
  • architecture theory and history, historical and architectural heritage restoration and reconstruction;
  • houses architecture. The creative concept of architectural activities;
  • urban development, rural settlements planning;
  • building structures, houses;
  • foundations, underground structures;
  • heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting;
  • water supply, sewerage, water conservation construction;
  • building materials and products;
  • construction technology and organization;
  • roads, subways, airports, bridges and tunnels design and construction;
  • construction Mechanics;
  • Ecological safety of construction and municipal economy.
Published articles requirements meet the Higher Attestation Commission requirements (abstract, references, bibliography, tables, graphs, illustrations, etc.). The journal is issued 4 times per year with a total number of 500 copies. It is available for subscription and is listed in the ROSPECHAT all-Russian Directory Agency, edition index 36939. The journal has been mailed to the leading construction and civil engineering high schools and to the central Russian libraries.
Publication of the scientific journal based on the KSUAE is an opportunity to draw public attention to the problems of construction education, awareness and exchange of best practices research, increasing demand for scientific and scientist technological capabilities. Many publications in the journal are of both fundamental and applied nature.
We hope that our magazine is useful and interesting to researchers, teachers, manufacturers and students.
I wish authors and readers creative success, interesting publications.

Professor Rashit Nizamov,
Chief Editor,
KSUAE Rector,
Doctor of Science

Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


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