Publishing ethics - Известия Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета.

Включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, определяемый ВАК

Publishing ethics

Publishing ethics

1. The editors of the scientific journal "News of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering" guarantee fair, impartial examination of all materials claimed for publication, regardless nationality, religion, sex, etc. of the authors. Editors follow legal requirements for copyright in Russian legislation and traditional ethical principles for editors, readers and authors supported by the community of the leading Russian and foreign scientific periodicals publishers.

2. Reviewing of presented materials with the purpose of their expert evaluation and relevance, considered scientific and technical issues, is carried out according to the following principles:

- all received materials including materials from members of the editorial board are reviewed (except for manuscripts by academicians of state academies of sciences);

- attached article reviews are considered as additional accompanying documents which do not abolish the mandatory internal closed review;

- a reader is assigned by the editorial board of recognized experts on the subject of reviewed materials whose articles were published in recent 3 years. The expert panel of the University on reviewing scientific articles consists of experts of the highest qualification – professors, doctors of sciences;

- co-authors, scientific supervisors and consultants cannot be readers;

- revision is one-sided and anonymous to ensure complete objectiveness;

- when reviewing articles readers involved in editorial work must not to allow personal criticism and make reasonable conclusions only;

- before publication, submitted materials are property of the authors and are confidential. Readers are not allowed to use submitted materials;

- articles are sent to the internal closed review no more than two times;

- articles with negative review are withdrawn;

- authors must take all comments of reader into account while editing;

- if author doesn’t agree with reader’s comments he must write a motivated answer;

- reviews and answers should not contain insults, slander, etc.;

- authors are sent copies of reviews or motivated refusals;

- editorial board undertakes to send copies of the reviews on request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

- final decision on publishing of the article is taken by the editorial board.

3. The authors are responsible for the scientific content of the article and guarantee:

- following the rules of writing articles for submission;

- originality of the presented material (not less than 75%);

- the article does not contain materials that must not be published in accordance with the current standard regulation;

- more than 50% of the article materials will not be published in other printed and/or electronic sources;

- the article contains all references to the authors and publications cited, results and facts obtained by other authors or organizations in accordance with the current copyright legislation;

- if a mistake is found in the published article, inform the editorial board immediately.

4. Authors agree that the editorial board has the right:

- to withdraw articles that do not correspond to the scope of the journal;

- to require initial research materials if the editorial board or reader have questions or doubts;

- to deprive the authors suspected in plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) of rights to publish papers in the journal for a period of 2 years;

- to reduce and correct the text of manuscript;

- to provide material of the articles to the Russian and foreign organizations providing SCI;

- not to return manuscripts;

- not to provide a repayment for a published article.

5. Editorial board reviews all claims about the unethical behavior of the authors of submitted and published articles. In case of claim confirmation editorial board has a right to withdraw the article or cease cooperation with the author. Editors also have a right to publish a refutation and take other measures in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent unethical behavior of authors.

Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


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