STEP 4 - Известия Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета.

Включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, определяемый ВАК


Step 4

Generate materials in the following structure:

  • The resume form of the author(s) in printed and electronic kind (the file name should contain surnames of first two authors and typed in Latin letters – for example, resume_ivanov_petrov. Extension of file .rtf);
    • Two copies of article in printed and an electronic form (the file name should contain surnames of first two authors and typed in Latin letters – for example, resume_ivanov_petrov. Extension of file .rtf);
    • Two reviews* from two independent organizations;
    • The expert judgments ** about the publication possibility, issued in the organization, whence proceeds the manuscript.


*The recommended form of the review of the scientific article for magazine "News of KSUAE"

** the Form of the expert judgement on publication possibility:

- For employees KSUAE;

- For employees of the other organisations.

Heads-experts of KSUAE for reviewing of articles on scientific sections.

Article materials go to the address:

420043, Kazan, Zelenaya St., 1, room. 79

Phones: (843)510-46-39, 236-26-88 (phone/fax)

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The executive of magazine – Khabibullin Marat Maksutovich

Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


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