STEP 3 - Известия Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета.

Включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, определяемый ВАК


Step 3

Pay attention to the rules of presentation of articles for publication in scientific journal «News of KSUAE»




Article should be typed in program Microsoft Word (the version not earlier than MS Word 97). A file named by the name of the author of the article should be presented in the format .RTF.

Page parameters:

-   The size of page – 297x210mm (format А4);

-   Fields: from above – 20 mm, from below – 20 mm, at the left – 30 mm, on the right – 30 mm;

-   Page orientation – book.

Parameters of formatting of the text:

-   Font – Times New Roman;

-   Font size – 11 pt;

-   Indention– 10 mm (not to be set by spacebar);

-   Alignment – on width;

-   Headings in semi boldface font, with alignment on the centre;

-   Line spacing – unary.

Article should be set to exclude an automatic hyphenation. Consolidation of intervals of a font is forbidden.

Publication volume – not less than 5 full pages and no more than 10 pages, including tables and illustrations. The illustrative material should not overload article (no more than 4 fig.). Tables and illustrations should be grouped taking into account the above-stated fields.

Tables to be created by means of Microsoft Word and to be appropriated names: Table 1, Table 2, etc. Name of the table with ordinal number (or number of the table without name) should be set over the table. The table text should be typed in font size 10-12 pt with unary line spacing.

Illustrations to be presented in the form of files of the basic graphic formats (.tiff, .jpg, .bmp, .gif) with names of Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. All objects should be black-and-white (gradation of grey), legible quality. Recommended resolution - 300 dpi. Names of illustrations and the signature to them are typed in the font size 10 pt with unary line spacing. Creation of drawings in editor Microsoft Word is not permitted. Minimum size of illustrations – 80x80 mm, maximum – 170x240 mm.

For a set of formulas and insertion of symbols use built-in Microsoft Word editor of formulas Microsoft Equation or Math Type. Formulas in article, confirming the physical essence of research (process), are represented without the developed mathematical transformations. Formulas are arranged with the account of the above-stated fields (if necessary use formula carrying over the next line), are located on the centre of a line, at the end of which in parentheses the formula ordinal number is put. In the text also it is necessary to take the reference to formula number in parentheses. It is necessary to apply the physical sizes corresponding to standard СТ СЭВ 1052-78 (СН 528-80).

Illustrations, formulas, tables and references to the quoted sources in the article should be numbered according to citing order in the text. Thus, the reference to literary sources should be put in square brackets.


Check the correctness of chosen UDC on the site

Ivanov I.I. – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

E-mail: \n // --> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

Dividing interval

Modern building materials

Dividing interval


The summary text

Keywords: thermal insulating materials, carbamide foams, modification

Dividing interval

Article text

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The literature list

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Reference list*

* The list of references translated into English (names of editions not to be translated written in Latin transcription).

The list of bibliographic references is obligatory!

Bibliographic references to be presented according to GOST Р 7.0.5-2008.

Examples of transfer of the list of references to English language:

  1. Bazhenov Yu. M. Technology of concrete. – M: Publishers ASV, 2002. – 500 p.
  2. Dranovsky А.N. Dynamic parametres of durability of sand//The collection of proceedings «Materials of 49th Republican scientific conference». – Kazan: KSABA, 1998. – P. 186-191.
  3. Zavadsky V.F., Putro N.B., Maksimova Yu. S. Porous building ceramics//Building materials, 2004, № 2. – P. 21-22.
  4. Korchagina V.I. Research in the field of updating of PVC and bipolymerous systems on its basis//The master's thesis author's abstract on competition of degree of a Cand. Chem. Sci. – Kazan, 1974. – 22 p.
  5. Chemical technology of ceramics: Studies. The grant for high schools / Under the editorship of prof. I.J. Guzmana. – M: LTD RIF «Building materials», 2003. – 496 p.
  6. The send-receive device: the patent 2187888 Russian Federation. № 2000131736/09; It is declared 18.12.00; it is published 20.08.02. The bulletin № 23 (II part). – 3 p.
  7. GOST 9128-97. Mixes asphalt-concrete road, air field and asphalt-concrete. – М, 2000. – 15 p.
  8. The report on research work. Inv. № 02200703350. Sokolov B.S. and others. Working out new and perfection of existing methods of calculation of ferro-concrete and stone elements, designs of buildings and constructions.
  9. Investments remain raw//PROGNOSIS.RU: the daily Internet-edition 2006. 25 jan. URL: id=6464 (reference date: 19.03.2007).

Only published works to be used in the literature list.

Article name should reflect the basic idea of the executed research, to be whenever possible short. The summary (1 paragraph from 500 to 1000 signs with gaps) should state clearly the contents of the article and be suitable for independent publication.

In section "Introduction" it is recommended to specify unresolved earlier questions, to formulate and prove the purpose of work and if it is necessary, to consider its communication with the important scientific and practical directions. There can be references to publications of last years, at the given area including foreign authors.

The basic part of article should elucidate in detail the contents of the research conducted by the author (authors). The received results should be elucidated from the point of view of their scientific novelty and are compared with corresponding known data. The basic part of article can be divided into subsections (with explanatory headings) and contain the analysis of latest publications devoted to the resolution of questions, concerning the given subsections.

In section "Conclusion" the basic acquired results should be put in concise form with indication of their novelty, advantages and application possibilities.

Publication language: Russian or English.

Theses are not accepted to publication!

If article was or will be directed to other editions it is necessary to inform the editors. Previously published articles are not accepted for consideration.

Materials forpublication to be enclosed in a polyethylene file.

Date of receipt of article is considered the day of presentation of last of the above-stated materials.

The scientific articles presented by authors go on the independent closed reviewing to experts in the research profile, members of the editorial board. The basic criteria of expediency of the publication are novelty of the received results, their practical importance, informativeness. In the case when under the recommendation of the reviewer the article comes back to completion, receipt date is considered the day of reception by editors of its modifed variant. Answers to all remarks of the reviewer without fail are put to modifed article. Articles which receive negative conclusions from reviewers and mismatching specified requirements, are not published by the decision of the editorial board of the journal and do not come back (post transfer). The Editorial board reserves the right to itself for editing of articles with preservation of author's variant of the scientific contents.

Issue article according to the sample



Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


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