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Maintenance №:3 Year:2024

Khuziakhmetova K.R., Abdrakhmanova L.A., Nizamov R.K. Matveev K.S., Suchkova E.A.   Filling of polyvinyl chloride polymer mixture with expanded perlite sand Стр.6

Problem statement. At the moment, the issue of recycling industrial waste that has lost its consumer properties is relevant. Such waste includes spent expanded perlite sand, which is formed in some industries of the Republic of Tatarstan. The use of waste in filling polymers is an important and relevant topic that is associated with improving the properties of polymeric materials, reducing their cost and solving environmental problems. Therefore, the aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of expanded perlite sand as fillers of polyvyl chloride mixtures of polymers. The objectives of the work are to study the surface of different fractions of expanded perlite sand and their effect on the physical, mechanical and technological properties of compositions based on polyvinyl chloride and a polyvinyl chloride-copolymer polymer mixture. Results. The main results of the study showed that fine fractions of the filler have a denser packing due to the predominantly destroyed aggregates. Regardless of the fraction of expanded perlite sand, the strength is at the same level for both the polyvinyl chloride matrix and the polyvinyl chloride-copolymer mixture. At the same time, the filling has a positive effect on the technological properties of the compositions, especially for large fractions (0.315 mm and 0.63 mm), as well as unfractionated expanded perlite sand. Conclusions. The significance of the obtained results for the construction industry is that the use of certain fractions of spent expanded perlite sand can regulate technological processes in the manufacture of profiled and molded products without losing strength properties.

polyvinyl chloride, copolymer, polymer mixture, expanded perlite sand, filler, profile and molding products
Abdrakhimov V.Z.   The effect of phosphoric slag on the technical parameters and phase composition of ceramic bricksСтр.15

For the cost-effective self-financing operation of plants for the production of ceramic bricks of high grades, high-quality raw materials are required, which have significantly declined, therefore it is advisable (especially from ecological point of view) to conduct research on replacing them with the utilization of man-made raw materials without using natural materials. The consumption of technogenic raw materials should be preceded by comprehensive analyses to determine chemical, mineralogical and fractional compositions, as well as to characterize their technological properties. Recycling of industrial waste into ceramic masses will allow not only obtaining ceramic bricks, but also using it as a tool for protecting ecosystems. The purpose of the work is to investigate the effect of phosphoric slag on the technical parameters and phase composition of ceramic bricks without the use of natural raw materials based on intershale clay. The tasks of the study are to design compositions of ceramic bricks of grades no lower than M100-M125 without resorting to the use of natural components and to study the effect of phosphoric slag on phase transformations during firing of products. Results. It is proved that without the introduction of phosphoric slag into the composition of the ceramic mass as a non-plastic material, it is impossible to obtain ceramic bricks that meet the requirements of state standards only from intershale clay. The optimal composition for producing bricks of the M125 grade is a composition including 20% phosphoric slag. This amount of slag contributes to the formation of pseudovollastonite and larnite in bricks during firing. Conclusions. It was revealed that an increase in phosphoric slag from 10 to 30% reduces the plasticity of the ceramic mass from 19 to 9, and hence the binding properties of the intershale clay, which leads to cracks on the surface of the brick.

phosphoric slag, intershale clay, ceramic brick, technical parameters, phase composition, pseudo vollastonite, larnite
Ayupov D.A., Khabibullina V.S., Khairullina Z.F.   Durability of bitumen polymer binders and features of construction work with them Стр.27

The aim of the study is to conduct a comparative durability assessment of the bitumen binders with various polymer modifiers. The tasks are: 1. to experimentally obtain the dependence of the temperature and humid air exposure time on bitumen-polymer binders penetration index. 2. to construct aging prediction curves for the developed compositions. 3. to determine the work features when constructing coatings using bitumen-polymer binders. The relevance of the work is due to the increasing volumes of modified bitumen application, as well as the susceptibility to atmospheric aging of the most popular bitumen modifiers – thermoplastic elastomers of the styrene-butadiene-styrene type. In the research seven different bitumen polymer binders have been developed, where the following modifiers were used: surfactant Amdor-20T, SBS thermoplastic elastomer, epoxy resin ED-20, single-walled carbon nanotubes Tuball, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (Sevilene), epoxidized silane, MDI polyisocyanate, Laprol 3603 and dicumyl peroxide. Binder durability was assessed by the method developed for polymeric materials. The tests were carried out at elevated temperatures: 95, 105, 115 and 125 °C and 65% air humidity. The temperatures for artificial aging of binders were selected in such a way as to maximally intensify the process and to preserve the mechanism of natural aging during operation. Approximation by quadratic polynomials was used to obtain dependences of penetration change on the duration of aging under the specified factors of influence, which allowed us to determine the activation energy for changing penetration. Taking into account the equivalent temperature, the time of exposure to factors sufficient for the composition to achieve the required hardness was determined, and prediction curves were constructed. It was discovered that the most resistant to aging are binders obtained by chemical modification: with sevilen and epoxysilane, as well as bitumen-urethane, while the widely used compositions with styrene-butadiene-styrene turned out to be the most susceptible to aging.

bitumen, bitumen aging, bitumen durability, polymer-modified binder aging, polymer-modified binder durability, bitumen modification, polymer-modified binder
Ermilova E.Yu.   Study the sorption properties of natural aluminosilicates in relation to the iron ion Fe (+3) during water treatmentСтр.38

The deterioration of natural and waste water quality leads to the search for effective, resource-saving, affordable natural sorbents based on aluminosilicates. Current research shows the promise of using natural clays, such as montmorillonite clays, as well as zeolites. However, limited reserves and territorial accessibility, as well as the widespread use of these natural materials in other production areas, pose an urgent task to develop and obtain alternative sorption materials from such natural aluminosilicates as ubiquitous and therefore accessible and cheap clay rocks. The purpose of the work was to study the possibility of using some clay rocks as sorption materials in relation to iron ions during water treatment. The objectives of the study were to study the clay materials sorption capacity, to determine the iron content before and after sorption, to establish the optimal sorbate-sorbent contact time, as well as the pH effect on the sorption process. Results. The obtained data indicated the possibility and feasibility of using polymineral clays, along with montmorillonite clays, as an effective sorption material that allows the extraction of Fe (+3) iron ions from water. Conclusions. The significance of obtained results in the technology of natural and waste water treatment lies in the fact that the research conducted allows us to conclude about the feasibility and effectiveness of using polymineral clays as a basis for creating a wide range of new sorption materials, which in turn will also allow expanding the range of the latter.

sorption water treatment, sorption capacity, clay, kaolinite, montmorillonite, photocolorimetric method
Vdovin E.A., Konovalov N.V.   Application of complex modification in soil stabilization technologyСтр.46

The use of stabilization cement-soil in the construction of road pavements of various categories of highways is an actual vector of development of resource-saving direction in the road industry, as well as a technology that contributes to increasing the load-bearing capacity and inter-repair periods of road pavements. The analysis of literature and industrial experience shows that in most cases, when reinforcing soils with binders, an additional technological stage of complex modification is required in order to provide increased indicators of such properties as frost resistance, compressive and bending strength. These properties indirectly reflect the degree of durability of the material and the structural layer as a whole. The purpose of the work is to analyze the results of technical indicators of properties during the construction and operation of road sections of highway pavements with the use of cement-soil, complex-modified with activated fillers. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the effect of complex modification on the physical and mechanical parameters of cement-soil and operational characteristics of the highway, obtained as a result of long-term monitoring of its condition. The paper presents the main stages and technological operations of the device of road base layers made of complex-modified cement-soil, the results of determining the strength of samples taken from the structure, as well as the operational characteristics of the highway - modulus of elasticity and rutting. The obtained data confirm the effectiveness of complex modification application, which can be considered as a necessary stage in the development of soil reinforcement technology in road construction to increase the bearing capacity and service life of roadways. It has been established that the rut depth on the sections of pavements constructed with the application of the technology of complex modification of bases based on the use of activated fillers is reduced by 40%, the value of elastic modulus is increased by 9.1%, the compression and flexural tensile strength limits of cement-soil layers are increased to 26.7% and 73.5%, respectively, in comparison with the sections on unmodified reinforced soils. The significance of the obtained results for the construction industry is to confirm the effectiveness of complex modification of reinforced soils on the basis of activated fillers, as well as to establish the possibility of increasing the inter-repair periods of roadways, expanding the area of statistical data of operational indicators of roadways with bases made of cement-soil.

pavement, complex modification, cement-soil, activated filler, condition monitoring, elastic modulus, rut depth, durability
Kostov A.V., Tanatova A.M.   The speed of cars at the exit from the urban high-speed roadsСтр.58

Due to the high cost of land plots in the largest cities of the Russian Federation, the withdrawal of urban territories for the construction of high-speed main urban roads is not always economically feasible. It leads to the need to find reasonable solutions, including for the individual purpose of geometric parameters of transitional high-speed acceleration and braking lanes, depending on the construction conditions, taking into account urban planning limitations, which requires a number of studies. The aim of the study is to improve the design quality of transitional high-speed braking lanes on main urban high-speed roads in the largest cities of the Russian Federation. The objectives of the study are to measure the speed of the cars changing lanes which leave the main urban high-speed roads to the transitional high-speed lane at the moment they cross the marking line, depending on the length of the transitional high-speed lanes and movement comfort level, and also identifying patterns of influence of the length of the transition-speed lane and the level of ease of movement on the speed of lane change. Experimental studies were conducted using a radar speed meter on sections of traffic flow separation on the Moscow road network. The results of the studies show that with a decrease in the level of traffic convenience, the speed of lane change to the transition-speed lane will decrease. With an increase in the length of the transition-speed lane, the speed of cars increases when changing from the right lane of the main city roads of high-speed traffic to the transition-speed lane. The authors also proposed a traffic organization scheme that allows reducing the area of the built-up territory during the construction of transition-speed deceleration lanes. The studied values can be used to justify a decrease in the length of transition-speed lanes in case of urban planning restrictions that do not allow adhering to standard values.

vehicles speed, sections of traffic flows separation, speed change lane, urban high-speed roads, exits of transport interchanges
Fayziev R.I., Smirnov D.S.   Evaluation of the possibility of using metallurgical waste in road surfacing materialsСтр.68

Taking into account the annually increasing transport loads, the use of more durable asphalt concretes becomes relevant. It is possible to increase the ability of asphalt concrete to withstand various loads by rational selection of the granulometric composition of the mixture, introduction of additives into bitumen or adding them directly into the asphalt concrete mixture. At the same time, there is known experience in using various industrial wastes as additives into asphalt concrete mixtures in order to increase their physical and mechanical properties. This allows us to additionally solve the environmental problem, since recently, taking into account the growing industrial production, the amount of harmful emissions and industrial waste has increased. The objective of the work is to study the effect of mineral powder from metallurgical waste, namely ground granulated blast furnace slag, on the properties of asphalt concrete mixtures of the SP-16Э and SMA-16 brands. To achieve the objective, the following tasks are solved: the composition of asphalt concrete mixtures is designed; the granulometric composition of mineral powder based on ground granulated blast furnace slag is determined; samples of asphalt concrete mixtures are prepared and their performance properties are studied. Results. The work presents the test results of asphalt concrete mixtures of grades SP-16Э and SMA-16 using mineral powder MP-2 as part of the composition, as well as ground granulated blast furnace slag. Conclusions. It has been established that the use of ground granulated blast furnace slag as a mineral powder helps to reduce the water resistance of asphalt concrete mixtures by up to 25%, as well as to reduce the resistance of the mixtures to rutting. If the rut depth indicator for asphalt concrete mixtures of grades SP-16Э and SMA-16 on mineral powder MP-2 was 1.8 and 1.1 mm, then with the use of ground blast furnace slag as a mineral powder this indicator became 5.9 and 6.1 mm respectively, which does not meet federal standard requirements and its use in blast furnace slag mixtures is questionable.

asphalt concrete mixture, mineral powder, ground blast furnace slag, metallurgical waste, industrial waste, durability

Mirsayapov Ilshat T., Selivanov A.V., Reger F.F.   Resistance of shell slabs to static loadСтр.88

Prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbed floor slabs are manufactured in power forms using aggregate-flow technology, which requires large amounts of manual labor and energy resources. The presence of reinforcement frames and meshes in them does not allow one to abandon the use of aggregate-flow technology, which requires large expenditures of material and energy resources. A replacement for a ribbed slab can be a shell slab with a cylindrical bottom surface in the transverse direction and a flat top surface, having voids in the flange, located in the transverse direction under the action of a uniformly distributed load in a stress state close to momentless, which allows it to be reinforced only with longitudinal working reinforcement and manufactured using the formless molding method. Shell slabs with voids in the flange have been little studied, and in order to develop methods for their calculations, it is necessary to carry out an experimental study of their operation under load. The goal of the work is to determine the experimental bending moments acting on the lower edge of its flange in the transverse direction, in the middle of the span, as well as to study its cracking and operation at the stage of limit equilibrium. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: tests of models of the structure under study were carried out; calculations of experimental values of transverse bending moments occurring in the middle of the span of a full-scale structure were performed; a comparison of transverse bending moments arising in the middle of the span of various shell slabs was made; the cracking of the structure under study and its operation at the stage of limit equilibrium were studied. Results. The paper presents the results of an experimental research of the stress-strain state of the structure under study, its cracking and operation at the stage of limit equilibrium. Conclusions. The significance of the results obtained for the construction industry lies in the fact that a variant of a reinforced concrete floor shell-slab is proposed, which has a high load-bearing capacity, requires less material input, and has a lower manufacturing cost.

Reinforced concrete shell-slab, Floor slab, Experimental study
Shmelev G. N., Antonov A. S., Alitdinova R. E.,Valiev I.R.   Designs of a rational corner bracket for attaching a post-and-beam facade system to a buildingСтр.106

The development of monolithic construction and the annual increase in the use of suspended facade systems as enclosing structures, including translucent infill, form a close tandem for creating new rational structural solutions for supporting joints of translucent facade structures on a load-bearing monolithic frame. The purpose of this work is to develop a new structural solution for the load-bearing bracket of a post-and-beam suspended facade system installed on the corner of a monolithic floor slab of a building. In connection with this goal, the following tasks are being solved: review with numerical and experimental assessment of the stress-strain state of existing solutions for load-bearing brackets for attaching translucent facades to monolithic floor slabs, modeling of the proposed design of a rational corner bracket for attaching a post-and-beam facade system to a building, and comparative analysis of the developed solution with existing ones. Results. Structural solutions for a rational corner bracket for attaching a post-and-beam facade system to a building are proposed. As a result of numerical studies, the bearing capacity of the developed corner bracket designs has been established, significantly exceeding its limits in existing solutions with an additional reduction in material consumption. Conclusions. The proposed structural solutions for the load-bearing bracket can be used for fixing post-and-beam suspended facade systems with translucent infill in the external corner zones of buildings with sufficient bearing capacity to withstand operational loads and conditions, while reducing material consumption compared to existing solutions.

suspended facade system; bracket; guide rail; post-and-beam facade system
Mirsayapov Ilshat T., Gimatdinov I.M.   Calculation of a steel-reinforced concrete beam based on a two-line deformation diagramСтр.118

With the development of construction, the issue of designing long-span buildings and structures becomes relevant. One of the options for solving this issue is the use of steel-reinforced concrete structures, due to their advantages in rigidity and strength. This paper examines a steel-reinforced concrete beam of a new section, which allows designing these structures without the use of stud bolts and determining their load-bearing capacity. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for calculating steel-reinforced concrete beams based on a two-line deformation diagram. The objectives of the work are to study the two-line deformation diagram in the regulatory framework, the principle of its construction, to determine the dependence of relative deformations and stresses, to propose a method for calculating a steel-reinforced concrete beam based on the material deformation diagram. Results. The proposed method allows determining the load-bearing capacity of the beam. Conclusions. The developed methodology makes it possible to analytically predict and also calculate these structures in terms of the limiting moments perceived by them.

steel-reinforced concrete, steel-reinforced concrete structures, steel-reinforced concrete beam, calculation of steel-reinforced concrete structures
Antonov A.S., Alitdinova R.E., Galimov R.R., Shmelev G.N., Valiev I.R.   Design of the fastening unit of the facade system to the buildingСтр.130

Anatoly S. Antonov, post-graduate student, senior lecturer, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ORCID: 0000-0001-6750-4172 Regina E. Alitdinova, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Rinat R. Galimov, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Gennady N. Shmelev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ORCID: 0000-0001-6472-9413 Ilnar R. Valiev, post-graduate student, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

translucent facade structures, aluminum profiles, bracket, facade system, stress-strain state
Kareeva Yu.R., Ziganshin A.M., Ishutin G.A.   Flow to a lateral exhaust device located above an impermeable planeСтр.139

One of the methods for improving the efficiency of local ventilation is to improve the design of its elements - ventilation exhaust, in order to reduce aerodynamic drag. To do this, the outlines of the vortex zones should be determined. For the case of the exhaust location next to an impermeable plane, the outlines of the vortex zones and the velocity field will depend on the distance to the impermeable plane. Determining this dependence for the case of lateral exhaust is the goal of the study. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are solved in the work: verification and validation of the numerical solution of the problem using different combinations of the turbulence model and wall functions are carried out; flow characteristics at the inlet to the air duct are determined at different distances from the solid wall; dependencies of the outlines of the vortex zones and the local resistance coefficient and the velocity field on the distance to the solid flat wall are revealed. Results. The combination of "turbulence model + wall functions" was selected, which most adequately reflects the main characteristics of the flow at the inlet of the exhaust air duct, located at different distances from the solid wall. The values of the local resistance coefficients and the outlines of the vortex zones for the studied distances were determined. Conclusions. The distribution of air velocities at the side exhaust over the impermeable plane obtained as a result of the study can be used in engineering calculations of local exhaust ventilation

exhaust ventilation, exhaust hood, numerical method, vortex zones, CLR
Nadyrova Kh. G., Nurmukhametov V. V.   The implementation of the regular plan of F. I. Petondi of 1842 in particular parts and suburbs of KazanСтр.149

The relevance of the study lies in identifying the features of urban development of the city of Kazan based on the regular plan of 1842, compiled by the provincial architect Foma Ivanovich Petondi and the provincial land surveyor Seleznev. The aim of the work is to identify the details of the development of the regular plan of 1842 for the city of Kazan and their implementation in a retrospective analysis. The objectives of the study include bibliographic and cartographic analysis of the activities of the provincial architect Petondi, establishing the boundaries of the implemented and unrealized parts of the city of Kazan, developed within the framework of the regular plan. Results. The results of the study revealed the factors that determine the development of the regular plan of the city of Kazan, established the conditions and differences between different versions. For the first time, the boundaries of the new regular plan of the city of Kazan were established with the inclusion of settlements in the regular urban planning. The scale of implementation of the changes made to the city by the provincial architect F. I. Petondi and the provincial land surveyor Seleznev was determined. Conclusions. The significance of the work consists in the formation of a knowledge base on the regular planning of individual settlements and parts of the city, identifying the precise boundaries of the regular planning of the city. The results obtained can be used to regulate the modern boundaries of the historical settlement, as well as for working with modern urban planning.

provincial architect, regular plan, classicism, Kazan architecture, historical and architectural monuments
Seregin D.V., Prokofiev E.I., Suleymanov A.M.   Trends in the Development of the Geonic Approach in ArchitectureСтр.160

The relevance of the study of Geonics, which is currently a developing direction in architecture, is justified by the growing interest in the creation of harmonious nature-oriented architecture. The research in the field of Geonics allows both to develop knowledge about the creation of habitats and to be a source for innovative solutions in the architectural process. The purpose of the article is to understand the logic of geonics development in order to expand the understanding of its potential in architecture. The research objectives are the analysis of the geosphere apparatus as a conceptual model for use in architecture; study of historical approaches from the perspective of a systematized geosphere apparatus; study of geonic approaches in modern architectural practice. Results. The article explores and systematizes the variety of processes of inanimate nature, determines the “potential” of solutions useful for architecture. Taking into account the taxonomy of Geosphere phenomena correlating with architectural issues, the analysis of historical objects using the Geonic approach was carried out. Conclusions. The analysis of modern practice shows the commitment and interest of innovative companies to a deeper and more conscious application of Geonics strategies. The significance of the results obtained lies in the emergence of the opportunity to perceive the direction of Geonics in a more comprehensive form, which will affect both the development of the direction itself and expand the understanding of Geonics as a source of innovative architectural-oriented knowledge.

geonics, geomimetics, emergence, tectonism, geoconstructivism, geo-tech




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