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Maintenance №:1 Year:2017

Aitov R.R., Afanasyeva E.A.  Historical factors of traditions forming of the Kazan Tatars’ architectural polychromeСтр.7

Problem statement. The aim of this work is to identify the content of historical and cultural influences on the formation of the traditional use of color in architectural decoration of the Kazan Tatars. Results. We used the methods of analysis and synthesis of data history, ethnography, art, archaeology and architecture; analysis of modern field studies in the Republic of Tatarstan; comparative analysis of architectural monuments. The study of architectural polychromy carried out in accordance with the main periods of development of the Tatar ethnic group and its culture. The main historical and cultural effect on features of architectural decoration identifies in Bulgaria and Golden Horde periods, Kazan Khanate and the Russian period. Identified principles of color solutions and color groups in historical and contemporary perspectives, traced the continuity of the development of coloristic traditions. Conclusions. The use of architectural ceramics of the Golden Horde period, in combination with stonework and carved decoration on monumental buildings of the Bulgarian architecture could lead to a kind of regional synthesis Bulgarian, Iranian-khorezmian and Seljuk traditions. Developed decorative of the Kazan Khanate architecture, successive of the Bulgars, transferred to the Russian period on rural wooden architecture, became the basis for the formation of traditions of the Tatar architectural polychromy, steadily being implemented at the present stage.

the history of Tatar architecture, architectural decoration, architectural polychromy.
Balakina L.A.  The architectural context of the biblical information about civilian public buildingsСтр.18

Problem statement. The aim is an analytical study of the Bible text in order to identify the type of civil public buildings, and information about them. Results. With the position of hermeneutics were studied information about public buildings: discovered and considered their constructions features and attributes of their architecture. The architectural approach to the understanding of the principles of the formation of these structures when compared with historical and archaeological evidence was the basis of their architectural interpretation. Conclusions. Our research can fill the gaps in the history of architecture of preliterate period.

Bible, hermeneutics, information about civilian public buildings, historical and archaeological facts, the analytical study, the architectural interpretation.
Mukhitov R.K.  «Preventive» reconstruction in KazanСтр.29

Problem statement. The article reveals an actual problem for Kazan which is an assessment of the results of the extensive renovation that began in 2000-ies, in the central part of it. Results. Not everything that was done today clearly had a positive impact on the city environment. The main task of any reconstruction is to improve the quality of streets, squares, etc. sites of the city. A special place is given to examples of changing city environment, resulting in unnecessarily changing parameters of streets, squares, scale buildings and complexes. We can consider such examples as the Central Square of Kazan (Tukaya Square) and adjoining streets, Butlerov, Petersburg. Decision-making on placing such large objects as RPF for the Republic of Tatarstan, trade and entertainment complex «Ring» was hasty, without a proper impact assessment, without taking into account the prospects of development and preservation of the historic environment. Conclusions. As a result, the city has lost its architectural and town-planning appearance of Central Square, lost at all times the annular car traffic due to the building of the mall «Ring», allowing this area is popularly called «Ring».

preventive reconstruction, the City environment, the spatial reality, square them. Tukaya, shopping and entertainment center.
Nazarova I.V.  On the question of the construction of the Tetyushi city of the XVIth centuryСтр.39

Problem statement. The purpose of the article to make the constructive analysis of the creation of the city of Tetyushi in the Kazan region in the 16th century. Results. Historical, archaeological and archival sources about Tetyushi are used, the main sizes of fortifications and towers in old Russian measurement – in fathom are studied. The analogs of creation of walls and towers of the Moscow cities of the 16-17th centuries are studied. Documents are used: ancient books of the 17th century about the construction of the Russian cities (funds of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents, the funds of the Central State Archive of Ancient Documents), List of cities of the Middle and Lower Volga in 1704 year, the Topographical description of the Simbirsk region of the 18th century, the Atlas of the cities of Kazan governoship of 1789. Conclusions. The complex analysis of sources has allowed to define three parts of the Tetyushi city (fortress – small fortress – the village). It is established: polygonal plan of the fortress, conditioned by topographical position; constructive structure of «standing prison» of the city fortifications; constructive structure of chopped suburb fortifications; «crowened» – timber blocking structure of the tetrahedral towers.

Tetyushi, Tetyush line, constructive analysis, wooden walls, wooden towers, timber blocking construction, fathom.
Novikov S.V.  The features of the creative method of the civil engineer, the diocesan architect F.N. MalinovskiСтр.46

Problem statement. This study represents the first attempt of the system analysis of the creative method of civil engineer, the diocesan architect of the Kazan province F.N. Malinovski. Theoretical and methodological knowledge about the creative method of the architect F.N. Malinovski provide a unique opportunity of their application in modern design and restoration practices, as well as open new horizons in the scientific and educational activities. Results. The study revealed that the formation of the creative method of civil engineer F.N. Malinovski has been affected by a number of different historical and architectural factors: architectural trends at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries in Russia; modern engineering and architectural education; socio-economic features of the design in the provincial conditions. The main features of the creative method of F.N. Malinovski were typical design techniques for the period of eclecticism which are based on the interaction between a detailed study of historical architecture and its combination with modern technological and engineering innovations. Conclusions. The obtained data provide a complete picture of the characteristics of the creative method and the stylistic features of civil engineer F.N. Malinovski’s objects, which allow to study and analyze his artistic heritage and to evaluate his contribution in the development of national and regional architecture.

F.N. Malinovski, creative method, the diocesan architect, the civil engineer, «national direction» in Russian architecture of eclecticism, architectural practice at the turn of XIX-XX centuries.
Pokka E.V., Agisheva I.N.  Works of the architect Ivan LeonidovСтр.54

Problem statement. In a situation of a new socialist system emergence the architecture school is divided into various onstage creative groups where conceptual creative platforms, theories and methods of designing, profession teaching methods are jointly developed. As a result of research in the field of intellectual component of architecture appear scientifically developed method of functional design and the theory of architectural composition. Since the mid-twenties the avant-garde of the Soviet architecture gets new leader, whose creativity is not limited by the boundaries of group membership. It is Ivan Leonidov. The article seeks to explore the work of this architect. Results. In 1927 at «The first exhibition of modern architecture» among numerous domestic and foreign projects the project of the Institute of Library Science named after Lenin is contrasty selected. It is the degree project of I. Leonidov. The project of the House of the industry, the competitive project executed in 1929. It is an innovative development of the office building which space-planning solution and an art system outstripped its figurative and typological characteristics by several decades. The second project is an answer to the task set for architects by the governmental decree of forming the «Socialist resettlement» in the country. The first implementation of this resolution becomes a competition held in 1930, to create the city of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. In 1934 I. Leonidov creates one more masterpiece. It is the competitive project of the House of Peoples Committee of heavy industry (The ministries of the heavy industry). Conclusions. All his creativity I. Leonidov was a visionary of modern architecture. Great architects such as Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer and is followed by I. Leonidov put into practice what he had anticipated. Magnificent creations of modern architects as Z. Hadid, E. Fuksas, architects Coop Himmelblau group et al., using flowable plastic surfaces of the second order, at the origin of the vision that was Ivan Leonidov.

vanguard, creative groups, modern architecture, spatial and planning organization.
Mkhitaryan К.О.  Typology of forms of vertical gardening in the urban environmentСтр.65

Problem statement. The aim of the work was an extension of the concept of vertical gardening and identifying its typology based on the study of international experience of foreign colleagues in the field of landscape architecture, sustainable development of territories and gardening. Results. During the research it was found that the only green walls belong to vertical gardening, and besides them there are many options of vertical gardening. It serves not only to decorate the facades, fences or walls, but it is a unique self-identity in the urban environment. Conclusions. The concept of vertical gardening is disclosed in the work, supplemented with new components not attributable to it before. The main types of vertical gardening can be attributed – green wall/vertical facades, independent green walls, eco-graffiti, vertical flower beds, green roofs and terraces, and the components of the near future – the kinetic elements of the urban beautification, green vertical infrastructure, the vertical farm.

green walls, living walls, vertical garden, vegetable wall, vertical kitchen garden, living wall, bio wall, green fa?ade, design of architectural environment, eco-graffiti, green vertical infrastructure, vertical farms, green wall/vertical facades, independent green walls, green roofs, kinetic elements of the urban beautification.
Romancov R.V., Krasnobaev I.V.  Improving operational suitability of the concept of covered settlements with artificial microclimate to complex permafrost conditions of Polar RegionСтр.73

Problem statement. Aim of the research is to reveal and theoretically develop current architectural-planning and technical-engineering methods of increase of viability of concept of covered settlements with isolated microclimate in Arctic and Antarctic regions. Results. Based on the research of current cases of construction of fundamental buildings on permafrost grounds several architectural-constructive methods of increase of geotechnical safety of covered settlements are suggested. First method – usage of erected adjustable polling to sustain settlements. Second method – application of fundamental basement with multi-cell evacuated volume. Third method – adaptation of grid of thermo-stabilizing plants. Fourth method – shedding of the settlement’s territory. Conclusions. Supreme direction of further development of the concept of covered settlements should be a permanent increase of their geotechnical safety in the conditions of the downward geocryologic situation in Polar regions. Joint use of large-span sheds made of ETFE and fundamental hydraulic-adjustable polling is the most effective solution.

housing for the polar region, towns under dome, permafrost, geotechnical safety.
Ryabov N.F., Burova T.Y.  Factors of influence in the formation and work of regional childrens architecture schoolsСтр.82

Problem statement. The leading childrens architecture and design schools of the Tatarstan Republic («early» forms of expression of regional architectural culture) – «DA-DA» (Naberezhnye Chelny) and «DASHKA» (Kazan) to prove the effectiveness of «school place», identify the cultural prototypes, the original concepts of school development. Results. A comparison of the facts of history, school objects stock allows to identify similarities of schools – approval of a three-stage program of continuous architecture and design education for children and adolescents functioning within the large educational centers («DA-DA» – part of a creative cluster uniting the school with NISPTR, «DASHKA», a subdivision of KSUAE); following the traditions established in the nineteenth century; and the differences. This defines the meaning of the concepts of development are similar formations in different environments: an active survival and active influence on the monotonous environment in the case of the school «DA-DA» and the delicate «growing» in the historic city – in the case of school «DASHKA»). Conclusions. The difference of school concepts, cultural orientation, scale innovations are largely determined by the place of occurrence and location of schools. The «school place» is defined through a trigger and conversion experiments in a real urban space. Participation in them is an effective method of forming of creative skills and maintain the particular traditions.

school-environment, regional architectural school, traditions and innovations in architecture, childrens architectural schools «DA-DA», «DASHKA».
Zamaliev F.S.  Accounting initial stresses and strains in the evaluation of the bearing capacity of composite steel-concrete structures for operational loadСтр.91

Problem statement. The aim is to develop a methodology for assessing the stress-deformed state of composite steel-concrete structures subject to operational stresses. Results. Considering the initial stress-strain state of overlapping with the formation of a new section, concrete shrinkage in two directions, its creep and stress state of a flexible element of the long-term action of the load received new expressions describing the stress-strain state of a composite steel-concrete structure during the operational phase. Conclusions. A method for evaluating the bearing capacity of composite steel-concrete structures at the operational stage, taking into account the initial state of stress.

composite steel-concrete structures, long-term loading, the operational stage, the shrinkage and creep of concrete.
Kupriyanov V.N., Yuzmuhametov A.M., Safin I.Sh.  Influence of moisture on heat conductivity of walling materials. the state of the issueСтр.102

Problem statement. Thermal characteristics of building materials of walling are significantly altered because of changes in humidity of the materials throughout the year. Changing the value of the thermal conductivity is mostly dependent on the moisture content. Results. The researches of influence of various factors on the coefficient of thermal conductivity efficiency were conducted by many scientists. The famous research works deal with the impact of the material structure, porosity, pore size, temperature, moisture, ice content and other factors. However, many aspects of the problem remain unknown. For example, while studying the influence of moisture of the materials on their thermal properties, the influence of high moisture of the material (volume or mass) on the thermal conductivity coefficient is studied. Whereas the information about the influence of low humidity values associated with the sorption of moisture from humid air and water vapor diffusion through the building walling is very limited. Conclusions. The research indicated that the increase of moisture of the material enhances the coefficient of thermal conductivity, but the degree of change in the thermal conductivity of different materials is different in various ranges of humidity. The thermal conductivity coefficient of construction materials is investigated without paying attention to the moisture in the porous structure of the material, namely, adsorbed, pellicular, capillary moisture etc. The majority of researches on thermal conductivity coefficient does not take into account the type of bond between moisture and building material, Whereas our study allows to determine the thermal performance of building walling, depending on the type of operating moisture within a wide range of its alteration.

heat conductivity, temperature, sorption, desorption, moisture, capillaries, porosity.
Radaikin O.V., Sharafutdinov L.A.  By evaluating the strength, hardness and fracture toughness of bent reinforced-concrete elements, strengthened concrete of steel fiber «jacket» on the basis of computer modeling in PC «ANSYS»Стр.111

Problem statement. The purpose of the work poses particular strength, hardness and fracture toughness of bent reinforced-concrete elements, strengthened concrete of steel fiber «jacket» at all stages of loading by varying the most important geometrical, physical, kinematic and power parameters. Results. Conducted multivariate numerical experiment with the use of computer simulation in the PC «ANSYS». A comparison of the results with the experimental data of other authors, which served as a test of the adequacy of the proposed computer model. «Shirt» The optimal values for the percentage of reinforcement steel fiber and thickness. Conclusions. It was found that the most similar to the results of calculations of the experimental data with the introduction of PC «ANSYS» curved concrete deformation diagrams, proposed earlier by the authors [1-2] for bent elements of conventional concrete. FRCC (fiber reinforced cementitious composites) «jacket» increases the bearing capacity of up to 3,9 times to 8,26 times the stiffness.

strengthening, fiber reinforced cementitious composites, bendable elements, computer simulation, numerical experiment.
Smirnov D.S., Khilavieva G.R., Mingazeev A.N.  Analysis of fracture flue brick industrial pipesСтр.121

Problem statement. The aim of this research work was to determine the causes of the destruction of the brick flue industrial pipes after repair of one of the organizations of Kazan in Tatarstan. Results. In the operation of the repaired pipe of these facilities in the winter-spring period, there have been significant damage in the walls from the outside. Experience of working on the evaluation of materials and structures [1, 2, 3] allowed to assume that one of the causes of these defects could be insufficient water vapor permeability also organic compositions. Another reason may be the application of paint to wet, not previously drained surface of the wall. Mode industrial chimneys do not preclude the occurrence of condensation, and the temperature difference between inside and outside of the pipe promotes mass transfer of moisture in a direction toward the outer wall surface. Conclusions. The results of this test, at sites close to the outer surface of the water vapor is condensed and crystallized at low temperatures, which leads to the destruction of the brickwork.

organosilicate composition, vapor permeability, resistance to water vapor transmission, adhesion, cohesion.
Shmelev G.D., Fedotova M.I.  The use of random functions and processes in the combined integral method of forecasting the residual service life of building constructionsСтр.128

Problem statement. Based on the analysis of existing techniques of predicting the reliability and residual service life of building constructions proposed combined integral technique of an estimation residual service life of building constructions and engineering structures. Technique simultaneously uses: interval estimates of defining parameters; prediction based on the theory of random functions; modeling of real change in the state constructions using a random number generator for prediction obtained during time intervals for each forecasted parameter; classical mathematical statistics for the final statistical analysis of the results. To perform the prediction held apparatus random functions and processes. By random processes restrictions are imposed. Forecasting of conducted on several methods: expert assessments, parametric, method «load – load bearing capacity» method «load – of deformation». Apparatus functions of random amplified using the technique of interval forecasting. Results. The projections are used top and bottom interval values for each parameter defining, obtained in the study of the technical condition of the object. In the course prediction parameter for each interval is obtained lifetime. Inside each interval are simulated intermediate deadlines service lives of all type under study constructions. In the subsequent interval are combined according to the rules aggregation. In this case, the forecast used to build a small amount of input data and does not require long-term monitoring of the constructions building or engineering structure. Conclusion. The proposed approach allows the author increase the reliability and accuracy of the prediction with minimal set of input data without a long-term observation of the object.

forecasting, combined integral method, the random function, borders, random process, building construction.
Gotman N.Z., Gotman A.L.  Determination of the deformation modulus strengthened by ground cementingСтр.138

Problem statement. The aim of the work done was to calculate strengthened ground’s modulus of deformations based on the physical characteristics of the natural soil and the volume of the ground injection solution. The analytical solution for defining modulus of deformation, based on assumptions of cement filling the pores’ volume, which are free from pore water, is obtained. In the first step, the volume of the solution for ground injection is determined and then the coefficient of soil porosity and modulus of deformations of strengthend ground is determined. Results. By using correlation between the deformation modulus and the coefficient of soil porosity in accordance with SP 22.13330.2011 (Foundations of buildings and structures), the analytical solution for the strengthened ground’s modulus of deformation is determined. The comparison between experimental and calculated values is made and their convergence is shown. The possibility of using analytic formulas for determining required volume of the solution for strengthend ground is established. Conclusion. Founded analytical solutions can be successfully used for designing strengthening cementation grounds for determining the modulus of strengthened soil’s deformations, depending on the volume of the injectable solution.

modulus of deformations, strengthened ground, cement grouting.
Mirsayapov I.T., Koroleva I.V.  Influence of the hardening process on the strength of clay soil under regime triaxial loadingСтр.145

Problem statement. Under the conditions of the regime long-term loading in the ground at the same time arise changes in the deformation volume and shape, which influence to each other, leads to strain rate stabilization and even deformation attenuation or progressive soil creep. Herewith, in the calculation model, the effect of these processes on the soil mass deformation and strength is reflected insufficiently. Results. The article presents theoretical and experimental study results of the hardening process effect to the clay strength under the regime triaxial loading. It is found that in the process of the regime triaxial loading occurs simultaneous clay soil hardening and softening, wherein the deformation process can lead to the destruction as a result of deformation progressive or stabilization. The main criterion for the destruction of clay soil is a critical damage degree value by microcracks in the equilibrium zone limit. Conclusions. At the regime triaxial loading of clay soil samples of disturbed structure by restoring the structural links, soil strength indicators are increased from 5 % to 15 %.

clayey soil, hardening, stress-strain state of soil, loading modal, dilatancy, softening, micro-cracks.
Mirsayapov I.T., Sharafutdinov R.A.  Stress-strain state of soil foundation reinforced with vertical and horizontal elementsСтр.153

Problem statement. The article presents the results of experimental tests through the sandy soil with different reinforcement options. On the basis of experimental studies the authors analyzed the effect of reinforcing elements in the stressed state of the sandy soil. Results. Research results have shown that the reinforcement subgrade vertical and horizontal elements and reduces sediment increases the bearing capacity. Conclusions. Horizontal and vertical reinforcing elements prevent shear forces occurring on ferro-concrete stamped, redistribute stress and transfer them to a depth that eliminates the air holes on the surface of the soil.

the stress-strain state, carrying capacity, precipitation, laboratory tests, stress, sandy soil reinforcing elements.
Babich E.K., Broyda V.A.  Interaction of air screen with a slot outletСтр.159

Problem statement. We consider an air screen with a slot outlet up a liquid mirror in an industrial bath, which protects the room air from harmful emissions accompanying the process in the bath. The flow generated by the flat jet air supply and a slot outlet under complicated boundary conditions with the help of CFD method is calculated. We take into account: the distance between the supply device and the outlet l, the distance from the axis of the screen of the air to the liquid mirror h, the width of the slot outlet B. Results. It is found that in the regime of the full capture of the jet with the minimum of air exhaust (limit capture) with h*= h/l? 0,4 jet is laid on the liquid mirror, near the supply device the circulation zone is formed. For large values of h* under the air-screen forms a continuous circulation area covering all the liquid mirror. By increasing the height h* is possible to place the details under the screen at the time of fluid draining. It is determined that in the regime of limit capture the relative flow of exhaust air ranges from values of L*=L/LП ?0,71 to L*?0,83. Conclusions. In a regime of limit capture the air exhaust, removed from slot outlet, approximates a flow rate of a semi-bounded jet and weakly depends on the distance from the axis «jet – outlet» to the liquid mirror, and the width of the outlet. The results can be used to calculate the air-jet screen of baths with high sides, providing protection from harmful emissions as the regime of details treatment and a liquid draining mode.

air screen, flat jet, flow, outlet, capture, air flow.
Barysheva O.B., Khabibullin Iu.Kh., Vagizov A.Z.  A mathematical model for calculating the chemical nonequilibrium components for solid waste managementСтр.166

Problem statement. For the majority of units in which processes occur at high temperatures characteristic of various types of non-equilibrium effects. The most important of these is the change in non-equilibrium of the working fluid composition of the products of combustion, heating or decomposition caused by finite speed the chemical reactions that lead to a significant impact on the basic energy parameters of the process. The authors decided to create a mathematical model for calculating the chemical nonequilibrium components for solid waste management. Results. The authors reviewed the process of solid waste and industrial waste. On the basis of calculation methods developed an alternative method to find the composition of the combustion products in the non-equilibrium conditions during the combustion of construction debris. The resulting method of calculation of the data structure and properties of solid waste can be predictive superecotoxicants access to the products of combustion. Conclusions. On the basis of the formal chemical kinetics equations, we have created an alternative methodology for calculating the composition of the combustion products, taking into account the rates of chemical reactions. This technique consists in the definition of the working fluid composition for a given mechanism and rate constants of reactions. It is assumed that all of the conversions in the gas phase – elementary, i.e. occur in one step. Any chemical interactions may be represented by a set of elementary stages. They were considered the most likely chemical reactions of three types: a mono-, bi- and trimolecular. This technique allows you to find the composition of the products of combustion of municipal solid waste before combustion.

nonequilibrium processes, chemical kinetics, balance, composition, municipal solid waste.
Posokhin V.N., Ziganshin A.M., Varsegova E.V.  Numerical determination of the supply of air terminal characteristicsСтр.173

Problem statement. In the calculation of air distribution data on the jet characteristics obtained experimentally are used. It is also considered that the distribution of the flow characteristics at the air nozzle outlet is equal or symmetrical, which is usually not the case. The methods of determining the kinematic and thermal coefficients of air nozzle outlets, based on the calculation of flow parameters using Fluent software are proposed. Methodology is illustrated in example of calculating the coefficients for the jet stream from slot orifice located in the wall of the duct among the other consistently placed slots. Taken into account the uneven velocity fields, static pressure, excess temperature in the supply orifice. Results. Within the proposed methodology defined kinematic coefficient of air nozzle outlet, profiles of longitudinal velocity in the cross-section of the jet, as well as the angle which amounts with a duct forming the direction of the jet expiration. The facts of the absence of longitudinal velocity profiles similarity in the jet cross-sections in the main region of the jet, the presence of excess static pressure field on expiry are determined. Conclusions. The computational definition of kinematic and thermal characteristics of the air terminals is possible. The results indicate the need to adjust the approaches to the analysis of turbulent jet flows.

air nozzle outlet, kinematic and thermal coefficients, lateral orifice, the transit flow, the direction of the jet expiration, numerical method.
Taymarov M.A., Akhmetova R.V., Sungatullin R.G., Lavirko Yu.V., Zheltukhina E.S.  Reduction of harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides in atmosphere by coppers at thermal power stationsСтр.180

Problem statement. The purpose of the study is to optimize the regime parameters of boilers TG-104 of Surgut GRES-1 and reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of associated gas with the use of low-emission burners and flue gas recirculation, fed in an amount up to 8 % by smoke exhaust recirculation of dropping gas pipeline in the air mixer before burners. Composition associated gas in the experiments as follows: methane CH4 = 92,37 % (by volume), ethane = 4,74 % C2H6, C3H8 Propane = 0,77 %. We used direct swirl burner GMPV-50 in the amount of 12 pieces in one pot. Burners are located on the front of the combustion chamber wall in 2 tiers: the first tier below the level of 11.1 m, the second tier at around 14.1 m TG-104 boilers have an efficiency of one and a U-shaped arrangement of the heating surfaces.The wall of the furnace fully shielded by tubes of outer diameter 60 mm and a wall thickness of 6 mm, made of steel 20 in steps of 64 mm. Under the furnace rear screen panel is formed, it is inclined to the horizontal 15 °, and also protected from the flame radiation layer of refractory brickwork. Results. Essential reduction surge oxides of the nitrogen is received under small steam load. With growing of the load share recirculation decreased because of need of the maintenance of the high temperature of the secondary overheat pair. This brought about strong growth surge oxides of the nitrogen because of increasing of the temperature of the torchlight in zone of the combustion fuel. Conclusions. It was found that the effect of changes excess air ratio in the formation of nitrogen oxides with increasing load is insignificant. The effect of increased axial and circumferential inner air twists in burners to reduce the formation of nitrogen oxides is shown for all values of boiler load.

nitrogen oxides, fuel burning, heat of combustion, temperature, copper, coefficient of efficiency, coefficient of air excess, leaving gases, emissions.
Vachnina T.N., Susoeva I.V., Anosowa E.B., Kapranov A.V.  Rating of thermal degradation of lignocellulosic fillers and composite materials on their basisСтр.188

Problem statement. The aim of this work was to assess the fire properties of lignocellulosic fillers and composite plates based on them to reduce the Flammability of the material. Results. In the work the obtained results determine the degree of damage by weight when burning in «ceramic box» samples of composite material with a filler of non-refundable pulverized waste production of cotton fiber. To assess the combustibility of the material of the filler used, thermal analysis of cotton fiber and non-waste production – the curves of thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, obtained IR spectra of thermolysis products of materials. Conclusions. High (50 %) damage degree in mass during the combustion of composite panels based on non-returnable cotton waste due to increased Flammability of the material filler, which is based on the processes of dehydration, oxidation and thermal degradation of cellulose. Recommended for the manufacture of flameproof composite plate materials of unrecoverable waste production of cotton fiber to use lomographische binder. This allows to obtain a composite Board material on the basis of irrevocable pulverized waste carded, cotton fibres, having a loss of mass during heat exposure corresponding to the Flammability group G1 according to GOST 30244-94.

lignocellulosic waste, composite materials, differential scanning calorimetry.
Ermilova E.Yu., Kamalova Z.A., Rakhimov R.Z., Gulyaeva R.I.  The research of the influence of complex additives based on calcined clays and carbonate fillers on the composition of hydration products of blended cement stoneСтр.198

Problem statement. The aim of this work was to study the influence of complex additives based on the calcined clay of Novoorsk deposits from Orenburg region and limestone of Dobryatinsk deposits from the Vladimir region (with a content of calcite 99 %) on the hydration products of blended cement stone at the age of 28 days. Results. Using X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry the composition of hydration products of blended cement stone with a complex additive based on the calcined clay and limestone at the age of 28 days of curing was studied. Conclusions. It is established that the introduction the 20 % of the complex additive based on the calcined clay and limestone leads to a significant decrease the content of portlandite, an increase in the number of tumors in the form of low-calcium hydrosilicates and calcium hidrocarboalumosilicates, stabilizing ettringite and calcium hydrocarbosilicates located in the amorphous phase, as visible an increase in compressive strength. This effect was amplified due to the additional alumina provided by the calcined clay reaction.

complex additive, carbonate filler, calcined clays, blended cement, limestone, cement stone, XRD, DSC.
Potapova L.I., Furer V.L., Kovalenko V.I.  Comparative study of structure and hydrogen bonding in calix[n]arenes (n = 4, 6, 8) by methods of IR-spectroscopy and quantum chemistryСтр.206

Problem statement. The main objective of this work was to establish the structure of Calix [n] arenes (n = 4, 6, 8) by IR-spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Results. IR-spectra of calix[4]arene, calix[6]arene and calix[8]arene were measured at different temperatures and interpreted. In all calixarenes the cyclic H-bond is formed. The geometry was defined by a quantum-chemical methods. A geometrical analysis of the structure of calixarene molecules was fulfilled. Conclusions. Calculations and experiments show that the molecule of calix[4]arene has the shape of a cone, calix[6]arene – a compressed cone, and calix[8]arene – fold hinge. Analysis of normal fluctuations of calix[4]arene was made for the interpretation of the IR-spectrum. Only very small changes in the band intensities of the experimental IR-spectra in the transition from calix[4]arene to calix[8]arene were observed. A satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental data was obtained. Spectra of investigated calixarenes are very similar to each other.

IR-spectra, calixarenes, density functional theory.
Pshenichnyy G.N.  The directed technology of concrete and reinforced concreteСтр.213

Problem statement. The aim of the work was theoretical and experimental study of stage-surface mechanism of cement hydration. Results. The scheme of stage («hopping» after V.A. Kindu) hardening of clinker binders (Portland cement and its varieties) with the role electrical surface processes that is the basic principle of the kinetics of heterogeneous reactions. Conclusions. Hydration conversions include staging formation at the interface of «clinker grain – water» phase of transitional metastable energy composition with its development (accumulation of private power), reaching a critical level and decay (the appearance of the active elements and the chemistry of the phenomenon); textural – phasic contraction under the influence of the developing vacuum system cement grains, sealing and hardening of the contact surface areas by means of «sprawling» amorphous C-S-H. Specification of the morphology of the hardened cement paste (microconcrete) feature of which is the presence on the surface of the hydrated cement particles dispersed locally residual surfactants areas requiring indispensable accounting in concrete science theory and practice of construction. Given a number of technological methods, providing increase of physical and technical properties, structural stability and operational reliability of concrete and reinforced concrete.

concrete, reinforced concrete, hydration, staging process, microconcrete, surface-active area, discharges of strength, reliability and concrete.
Tarakanov O.V., Kalashnikov V.I.  Prospects of application of complex additives in new generation concretesСтр.223

Problem statement. The aim of the work getting the concrete of new generation with application of modern efficient modifiers. Results. Using electron microscopic and X-ray diffraction studies and the influence of superplasticizers on the structure of cement stone and obtained data on the composition of hydration products of cement. The data obtained on speed of cement hydration in the presence of Hyper plasticizers. Conclusions. It is shown that reducing the water content in the compositions with additives allows to obtain a higher strength in the later stages of hardening, but the overall picture of the kinetics of hydrate formation and participation of silicate phases in the hydration process indicates some deceleration. It is established that, despite the relatively later period of hardening, the hydration processes in cement stone in the presence of Hyper plasticizers at the initial stage slowed down and this slowing down, judging by the intensities of the separated crystalline hydrated phases, is maintained for a period of up to 6 months. In General, the new classes of additives can effectively with the aim of achieving synergy effects be used with traditional accelerators and retarders, hardening like concrete hardening under normal conditions and for «cold» concrete.

concrete, hydration, cement stone, superplasticizers.
Furer V.L.  Investigation of structure, IR- and Raman spectra of phosphortrihydrazide by DFT methodСтр.230

Problem statement. In this paper, we report the study of vibrational spectra and quantum-chemical calculations of phosphortrihydrazide G0, which is a zero generation dendrimer with tapered architecture. This work is a continuation of the spectral and quantum-chemical studies of the structure and reactivity of the dendrimers. The calculated geometric parameters were compared with experimental data obtained by X-ray. So that the main objective of this work was to obtain the spectral characteristics of different structural parts of the dendrimer: core and terminal amine groups on the basis of quantum chemical calculations. Results. The IR- and Raman-spectra of phosphortrihydrazide were registered. This compound is a zero generation dendrimer G0 with terminal amine groups. Optimization of the structure and the analysis of normal vibrations was made for G0 by density functional theory (DFT). The optimized bond lengths and angles obtained by DFT, are in good agreement with experiment. The obtained results allow to understand the structure, dynamics and properties of dendrimers. Conclusions. Amine end groups are characterized by bands at 3321, 3238, 1614 cm-1 in the experimental IR-spectrum and bands at 3327, 3241 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum of G0. Experimental frequency of asymmetric and symmetric NH2 stretching vibrations are lower than the theoretical values due to the intramolecular hydrogen bond N?H???S. This hydrogen bond is also responsible for a higher intensity of these bands in the IR-spectrum compared with the theoretical values. Relying on DFT calculations a complete vibrational assignment is proposed for the studied dendrimer.

phosphorus-containing dendrimers, IR-spectra, Raman spectra, density functional theory.
Chekmarev A.S., Skvorcov A.V., Gainutdinov N.K.  Investigation of the drying process conditions of building ceramics for creation an express method for the assessment of technological properties of clay raw materialsСтр.236

Problem statement. The aim of the study was the creation of an express method of the assessment of clay raw materials previous burning properties. Results. As a result of research developed a software module «Ceramic Master», which allows to evaluate parameters such as air shrinkage, the critical humidity, the humidity gradient, the coefficient of sensitivity of the material for drying, and additionally to determine the plastic properties of clay mixtures. The raw clay and diatomaceous earth materials were tested, the possibility of modification of the clay raw materials determined, and the mechanism of modification was explained. Conclusions. The study showed that the developed software module «Ceramic Master» allows you to solve a fundamental scientific problem of assessing the quality of clay raw materials for building ceramics. Developed approaches of assessing technological properties allow to analyze the technological properties of clay raw materials, as in the exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits, as well as for operational control of the technological mode of drying ceramic production depending on quality of the used raw material.

clay raw materials, diatomite, technological properties, geotechnical assessment of the raw materials, the response factor modification.
Shoshin E.A., Ivashchenko Y.G., Polyakov A.V., Bulanov V.M.  The study of hydro-silicates of cement modified isomeric disaccharides by differential thermal analysisСтр.244

Problem statement. The process of thermal dehydration of hydrosilicates of cement which has been modified isomeric disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, lactose) and the oxidation of sucrose in the composition modified hydro-silicates had been studied by differential thermal analysis. Results. To obtain results on the composition digidratirovannogo cement used thermographic study. Also, the experiment was conducted at the thermal dehydration of hydrosilicates of cement modified with various amounts of sucrose Conclusions. Discovered that the thermal (150?) dehydration of modified hydrosilicates is accompanied by occlusion of the sucrose mineral matrix. The result is a partial oxidation of sucrose, in part of modified hydrosilicates. The obtained experimental data show the effects of occlusion disaccharides silicate matrix, which, in turn, is evidence of the formation of the inclusion compounds disaccharide – cement gel in which the carbohydrate is within the interlayer space tobermorite structures of cement gel.

portland cement, modified hydrosilicates, disaccharides, differential thermal analysis, occlusion.
Imaykin D.G., Ibragimov R.A.  Perfection of technology of concreting of monolithic constructionsСтр.250

Problem statement. The article provides an analysis of existing systems, the method of warming up of reinforced concrete structures. It is shown that during the concreting of rectangular columns, the zone of columns angles characterized by a low concrete quality than in other areas, causing an increased defect in these areas. In order to eliminate the existing shortcomings in the article proposes the construction formwork for concreting monolithic columns. Results. During the stripping column often occurs corners peeling with the reinforcement exposing. Also during the columns exploitation its corners are the most vulnerable part at random shock or static loads on them. Repair and restoration of the appearance and protective properties of concrete in the columns at the corners often necessitate the use of special materials or a method of repair is significantly high cost construction. Conclusions. The studies found that the cause of reduced quality of the concrete is a leak joints of formwork elements and lower curing temperature of concrete at low temperatures, and low temperature in the corners of columns, which is a consequence of the lack of current warming systems that do not take into account the uneven warming on its own concrete heat when hardening, as well as increased heat in the corners of columns.

concreting, stripping strength, erection of buildings, columns, corners, Technology, formwork, monolith.
Mavlyuberdinov A.R., Almeev I.M.  Technological features of roofing overhaul of apartment houses, built in 30-50 years of the last centuryСтр.257

Problem statement. The present article deals with the issues of major repairs of the roofing of buildings and structures. In the course of time, the structural elements of the building are subjected to physical and moral deterioration. As a result, the roof loses its operational characteristics, and therefore we have to do major repairs of roofs. Overhaul roof constructions are less expensive compared to the reconstruction. Results. Research result is a visual examination and examination of technical condition of building structures. During inspection attention was paid to the main structural elements of the building, such as walls, floors, roof. Conclusions. According to the results of visual inspections identified major defects: the destruction of roof cladding; leakage from the roof; rotting wooden coverings bearing structures (attic); violation of compounds mates trusses; rafters sag; the destruction of the cornice; vertical cracks in the wall opening width of up to 5 mm; destruction of the plaster layer on the wall and on the covers; destruction of the brickwork; the destruction of painting layer. Overhaul of roofs should be performed without the eviction of tenants on a specially designed for this purpose technologies.

repair, roof, visual, inspection, defects, leakage.
Mudrov A.G.  Inertial spatial continuous mixersСтр.264

Problem statement. Spatial inertial mixers employ complex irregular movement of capacity, resulting in the processed material (mixing, surface treatment parts, cleaning and washing products, etc.) receives an additional inertial force impact to the main turbulent motion, thereby intensifying the treatment process of improvement in the quality of the final product. However, in view of the difficult spatial movement of the container machining process is possible only in periodic mode, i.e. in removable containers, which makes impossible the use of mixers in the production lines of continuous operation. Results. The proposed options for construction of continuous operation in the spatial mixers with complex traffic capacity on the example of four-bar mechanism. Conclusions. Design of mixers with the complex spatial movement of the container in two versions: with flexible hoses for input and output of the processed material and with tubular cranks are guaranteed to provide continuous operation of mixers in the production lines of various manufacturing processes, including construction.

inertial spatial mixers, tubular joints, flexible hoses, swivels.
Khafizov E.R., Vdovin E.A., Fomin A.Y., Mavliev L.F., Bulanov P.E.  Cutting technological holes in the road surfaceСтр.271

Problem statement. The aim of the work was to optimize the workflow process when cutting holes for the hatches in the new pavement and repair of road surface under hatches subsidence on the basis of the use of more universal equipment, allowing to cut any working geometric forms that are necessary for carrying out the installation or repair work. Results. Proposes a draft of equipment able to cut holes in the road surface sufficiently of accurate size, of different geometric shapes, without damage to the environment and the notable economic effect. Analyzed the technology and equipment of famous foreign manufacturers widely used in the road sector of the Russian Federation. Their advantages and disadvantages identified. Based on the analysis a better way of cutting technological holes in the road surface with the use of the proposed equipment was offered. Conclusions. Developed a design of a proposed equipment. Described the features of its application. We calculated the relative economic efficiency of the implementation of the proposed technology and development. It is found that the introduction of the proposed technology and equipment for cutting the technological holes is more cost-effective (~ 24 %) compared with the current production of foreign counterparts.

road surface, hole, crack, technology, equipment, cutter, durability, maintenance, quality, efficiency.
Khafizov E.R., Vdovin E.A., Fomin A.Y., Mavliev L.F., Bulanov P.E.  Modern methods of assessment of operating ability of road asphalt concreteСтр.279

Problem statement. To investigate road asphalt concrete on sites of the coverings having defects in the form of hollows, track, cracks of peeling. Results. The carried-out comparative analysis of components in asphalt concrete has shown what compositions of the applied bitumens are characterized by the increased maintenance of asfalten. It is also found that the structure of the breeds included in the major mineral aggregates of bituminous concrete has defects contain harmful impurities. The revealed deviations from requirements of normative documentation can influence the decrease in durability of asphalt concrete and its premature destruction. Conclusions. Modern inspection methods of operating ability of asphalt concrete have to rely on studying of component composition of bitumens and raw materials for its production, and also the structure of fillers and existence in their composition of harmful impurity by petrography methods at the stage of prospecting works in the pits that has to raise transport and operational indicators of asphalt concrete and their durability.

highway, bitumen, crushed stone, asphalt concrete, defect.
Sakhapov R.L., Makhmutov M.M., Zemdikhanov M.M.  Experimental model of influence of moisture and soil type on shift resistivityСтр.286

Problem statement. In summer, drivers of transport-technological machines often work in contact with waterlogged soil, which is in plastic condition, so the given condition in the study is of most interest. Humidity range in which the soil is in a plastic state, is characterized by a number of plasticity JP. Set and solved the problem of the study is to make a mathematical model of the influence of moisture and type of soil on ?сд. Results. After processing the experimental research model of the influence of moisture and type of soil on resistivity shift. With increasing Wo, the value of the specific resistance of soil to shear is reduced. With a decrease in clay particles in the soil the importance of this factor on the response functions is also reduced. With the increase of the specific weight of the soil ?S for a plastic soil increases, and the fluid is reduced due to the reduction of angle of ?о. Conclusions. The solution of this problem on a computer received the following experimental models that reflect in coded form the influence of important factors on the internal cohesion of soil particles and the angle of internal friction, respectively.

relative humidity, specific weight, angle of internal friction, unit soil resistance to shear pressure.
Barysheva O.B., Khabibullin Iu.Kh., Musin B.Kh.  The method of utilization of Municipal Solid WasteСтр.294

Problem statement. Any waste can be classified by origin to the household, industrial, medical, agricultural, etc., and by properties – to the «dangerous», toxic, corrosive, flammable, etc., and «non-hazardous». Municipal solid waste (MSW) or Western terminology «municipal solid waste» (Municipal Solid Waste) commonly referred to as waste, dumping or disposing of which involved city authorities, although in recent years has increased markedly in the West, the role of private enterprises in the collection and recycling of solid waste. In this regard, was decided to find a universal method of calculating the conditional fuel molecules. Results. The authors found a universal method of calculation of conditional fuel molecules. Since the composition and volume of waste is extremely diverse, and the average characteristics and properties of the waste can vary widely not only across countries, but also for different regions of a country and even in different areas of the same city, then to find the conditional fuel molecule of formula It was used by the average composition of solid household and industrial waste. Conclusions. The author’s method of calculating the conditional fuel molecules has been developed. This formula is needed to determine the combustion of fuel composition of the combustion products, to identify the presence of dioxins and take measures for the disposal of the products of combustion. This formula can be used for any fuel.

dioxins, kinetics, equilibrium, disequilibrium, forecasting, municipal solid waste.
Bulatov B.G., Nadeseko I.V.  Prospects for the use of the results of functioning automation system production of wall products from phosphogypsumСтр.302

Problem statement. The aim the work was to study the process of functioning of automated control system of production process of wall and partition products on the basis of phosphogypsum – large-scale waste production of mineral fertilizers. Results. With the use of the standard methods of researches of building materials the influence of technological characteristics of original phosphogypsum raw materials on mechanical and operational indicators of wall products, produced on their basis was studied. Analysis and processing of experimental data allowed us to construct different statistical models needed for effective industrial process control and the finished product quality control. Conclusion. We investigated the functional dependence of the upper hierarchical level of the automated control system of technological production process. The results allow to accumulate the actual processing data that will provide new insights about the process of production of the phosphogypsum wall products.

phosphogypsum; automatic control system; extrusion technology, data processing; manufacturing operation; management stages.
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