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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Аgisheva S.T. – assistant, post-graduate student E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Mubarakshina F.D. – candidate of architecture, associate professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering The organization address: 420043, Russia, Kazan, Zelenaya str., 1 Bertocci S. – doctor of architecture, professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it University of Florence The organization address: 50122, Italy, Florence, Square L. Ghiberti, 27 Parrinello S. – doctor of architecture, associate professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it De Lotto R. – doctor of architecture E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it University of Pavia The organization address: 27100, Italy, Pavia, Ferrata str., 1
Title of the articleReconstruction and renewal issues in historic urban landscape under consideration at the international workshop «REDRAWING the LANDSCAPE» (Italy, Gatteo a Mare, 2014, may)
Abstract.Reconstruction and renewal issue in Historic Urban Landscape is an international research initiative to explore and facilitate fair to damage Cultural Heritage and historic urban fabric relating to use and asset of the heritage that have both distinctive economic and cultural value. Redevelopment of heritage in urban situations which on one hand requires careful considerations to keep cultural heritage diversity, but on the other, it can be considered as a potential or a driver of local economic and urban development for policy and program assessment, strategic planning and social inclusion. Reconstructive actions transform the surrounding historic urban fabric and usually entail a context change. As a result of neglect, lack knowledge and lack understanding the important dimension for cultural heritage management and its sustainable development, lead it to risks and unfortunate effects as urban space fragmentation and segregation. Therefore, proposals on reconstruction within the historic urban landscapes should be determined to operate in complex and based on scientific methods, preliminary investigation, renovation programs with limits of acceptable change planning system, focused on continuity and integrity principles for outstanding achievement concerning heritage and development, diversity as an alternative. The subject of organization, management and development for historic urban landscape brings together UNESCO and ICOMOS experts, policy makers, and other researchers, professionals worldwide to explore some of the most pressing issues concerning cultural heritage in contemporary times. The International Workshop «REDRAWING the LANDSCAPE» (May 2014) in Gatteo a Mare (Italy) within the framework of the Italian-Russian joint research and cooperation, was addressed to issue in cultural heritage and development in reaching some consolidated key views of historic urban landscape value and ways of its renovation and renewal.
Keywords.reconstruction, renewal, conservation, sustainable development, historic urban landscape.
For citations:Аgisheva S.T., Mubarakshina F.D., Bertocci S., Parrinello S., De Lotto R. Reconstruction and renewal issues in historic urban landscape under consideration at the international workshop «REDRAWING the LANDSCAPE» (Italy, Gatteo a Mare, 2014, may) // Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. №4(30) P.9-18.

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