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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Razzakov Nurmukhammadkhon Sayidmahsud ugli. PhD, Senior Researcher, Scientific and Production Association "Spatial Structures, Seismic Resistance of Buildings and Structures", Zhambay, Uzbekistan E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ORCID: 0009-0003-9337-2910
Title of the articleLong-span roofs for unique buildings made of enlarged elements
Abstract.Problem statement. With the development of industrial infrastructure and the expansion of construction in various regions, there is a growing need to address the design of unique, long-span buildings, development of efficient structural solutions for roof shells, methods of their erection, the study of stress-strain state, the development of theory and methods of modeling. These aspects hold critical importance for the national economy. The purpose of the work is to develop effective structural solutions for long-span unique buildings by combining methods for installing shells using continuous scaffolding with sparse supports with methods for enlarging mounting elements for spans from 60 to 100 m and over 100 meters. The objectives of the research are: analysis of the stress-strain state of beam and shell systems during construction stages; application of the modeling method to study and evaluate the stages of work, the rationality of installation methods, and dismantling of shells; ensuring the structural safety of spatial systems in installation states. analysis of the effectiveness of using rational technology for the construction of shells, development of a method for calculating shells taking into account the stages of construction. Results. The paper presents the results of studies of long-span shell roof structures of unique buildings. Effective design solutions for building roof shells with a span of up to 60 m have been developed using the method of installation of enlarged elements. For spans from 60 to 100 m and over 100 m, they have been developed using a combined method of shell installation using continuous scaffolding with sparse supports with methods of enlarging installation elements. The stress-strain state has been studied using experimental modeling methods, a calculation method and rational methods of construction have been developed. Conclusions. The significance of the results obtained for the construction of long-span unique buildings lies in the fact that due to the introduction of architecturally expressive forms of coating shells, ensuring their economic efficiency, taking into account regional characteristics, the construction industry is developing and expanding in this direction.
Keywords.long-span roofs, unique buildings, design solutions, shell, spatial structures, installation and dismantling, enlarged elements
For citations:Razzakov N.S. Long-span roofs for unique buildings made of enlarged elements // News of KSUAE, 2024, № 4(70), p. 105-117, DOI: 10.48612/NewsKSUAE/70.10, EDN: GYSUTU

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