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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Denis S. Smirnov, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Pavel E. Bulanov, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Liliya R. Utyasheva, engineer, SPI «Glavtatdortrans», Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articlePhysical and mechanical characteristics of rubber-bitumen binders
Abstract.A constant increase in traffic load and traffic intensity leads to a decrease in the resistance of asphalt concrete to rutting and other defects. The use of crumb rubber in road construction is one of the promising methods for recycling waste and improving the characteristics of asphalt concrete. The purpose of the work is to study the physical and mechanical properties of bitumen modified with crumb rubber (rubber-bitumen binder). The objectives are to study the influence of the amount of crumb rubber and preparation time on the physical and mechanical properties of rubber-bitumen binder; determine the composition of rubber crumbs using IR spectroscopy. Results. Depending on the amount of rubber crumb and preparation time, the following physical and mechanical properties of the rubber-bitumen binder were studied: needle penetration depth at 25 °C, softening temperature along the ring and ball, ductility at 0 °C, Fraas brittleness temperature. Determination of the amount of cellulose and crumb rubber was carried out by IR spectroscopy. Conclusions. It has been established that with the introduction of additives RK-1, RK-2 and RK-3 into bitumen in the amount of 8 to 24% and preparation time of 5 to 15 minutes: penetration at 25 ° C decreased by 14.92%, 17.19%, 12.90%; the softening temperature increased by 12.47%, 23.12%, 18.23; ductility at 0 °C decreased by 32.43%, 23.68%, 37.50%; the brittleness temperature increased by 31.25%, 34.54%, 35.71% respectively. It has been established that the main component (at least 80-90% by weight) in all three samples of rubber crumb is cellulose, as evidenced by the intense characteristic peak of 945 cm-1 of pyranose cycles, which is the main structural unit of all high-carbohydrates and, in particular, cellulose.
Keywords.bitumen, rubber crumb, rubber-bitumen binder, IR spectroscopy, physical and mechanical characteristics
For citations:Smirnov D.S., Bulanov P.E., Utyasheva L.R. Physical and mechanical characteristics of rubber-bitumen binders // News KSUAE, 2023, № 4(66), с. 328-336, DOI: 10.52409/20731523_2023_4_328, EDN: MVPXUQ

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