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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Lyubov V. Zakrevskaya, candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russian Federation Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Elizaveta A. Repina, laboratory assistant, Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russian Federation Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articleInnovative materials for reconstruction and restoration
Abstract.The relevance of the research is due to the unfavorable environmental situation that causes the destruction of white stone masonry due to chemical and mycological effects, as well as economic aspects of the use of local mining waste in restoration work. Studies have been conducted on the selection of the composition of composite material for the restoration and reconstruction of white stone architectural monuments of the XII-XIII centuries of the "Golden Ring of Russia". The aim of the study is to develop compositions similar to natural masonry materials for the restoration and reconstruction in terms of physical and mechanical properties. The objectives of the work are: -development of a pre-composite composition for white stone, which would allow full replacement of ancient masonry materials. -studies semi-baked dolomite waste, recluse-bischofiteas the basis of the proposed composite material and foam glass-ceramic microgranules asfiller. -selection of the most suitable starting materials to increase the strength and resistance of the composition to external influences. Results. Compositions were selected and materials for restoration and reconstruction were synthesized on the basis of dolomite and limestone waste with chemical additives that improve the technological qualities of the solution. These include plasticizer (polycarboxylate), potassium and ammonium phosphates, glass fiber, foam glass-ceramic microgranules that are not inferior in their physical and mechanical properties and microstructure to the historical white stone. According to their technical and economic indicators, the developed restoration compositions make it possible to return the architectural monuments to their original state with minimal costs. Conclusions. According to their properties, the compositions obtained make it possible to use them as additional components for the restoration of white stone masonry, which probably returns the original appearance to the monuments of the 12th-13th centuries. The introduction of new composite materials may well replace medium-sized masonry materials.
Keywords.white stone, limestone, semi-baked dolomite, glass fiber, foam glass-ceramic microgranules, plasticizer
For citations:L.V. Zakrevskaya, E.A. Repina Innovative materials for reconstruction and restoration // News KSUAE, 2022 №4(62), p. 70-80, DOI: 10.52409/20731523_2022_4_70, EDN: KOSCAB

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