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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Andreev Sergey Andreevich Architect Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Architectural bureau Architect Organization address: 12 Solovyov str., Perm, 614010, Russia, office 1 Aidarova Galina Nikolaevna Doctor of Architecture, Professor Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Organization address: 1, Zelenaya str., Kazan, 420043, Russia
Title of the articleHistorical background and classification features of the architectural and spatial organization of young people labor training
Abstract.Problem statement. The problem of the study is the lack of knowledge of the organization of architectural space for labor training, technical creativity of young people and the lack of the appropriate types of buildings development. The purpose of the study: to analyze the existing experience of organizing architectural space for labor training of young people, to identify the prerequisites and key typological features. Results. Identification of the prerequisites, factors of formation and classification features of the architectural organization of labor processes. The analysis revealed four main periods of development of labor processes from the architecturally unorganized conditions of labor training, to the formation of primary, secondary, and better equipped technical educational institutions with the separation of the functions of study, work, and technical creativity. Three classification groups in the spatial organization of modern labor processes are identified: 1) specialized stationary closed type; 2) specialized temporary closed-open type; 3) specialized open type. Conclusions. The significance of the obtained results lies in the theoretical understanding of the Russian and foreign experience in the formation of architectural space for labor training processes organization. The identified historical background and modern experience of the architectural organization of youth labor processes can be a theoretical basis for the design development of new types of buildings. The solution to the problem of organizing architectural space for educational and labor processes and technical creativity of young people can be multifunctional youth centers. The author’s experimental design model of the center for technical creativity of working youth is presented.
Keywords.periodization, classification, architectural and spatial organization of educational and labor processes, youth center of labor professions
For citations:Andreev S. A., Aidarova G. N. Historical background and classification features of the architectural and spatial organization of young people labor training. Izvestiya KGASU. 2021. No. 3 (57). P. 73–84. DOI: 10.52409/20731523_2021_3_73

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