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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Vladimir Z. Abdrakhimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articleThe effect of phosphoric slag on the technical parameters and phase composition of ceramic bricks
Abstract.For the cost-effective self-financing operation of plants for the production of ceramic bricks of high grades, high-quality raw materials are required, which have significantly declined, therefore it is advisable (especially from ecological point of view) to conduct research on replacing them with the utilization of man-made raw materials without using natural materials. The consumption of technogenic raw materials should be preceded by comprehensive analyses to determine chemical, mineralogical and fractional compositions, as well as to characterize their technological properties. Recycling of industrial waste into ceramic masses will allow not only obtaining ceramic bricks, but also using it as a tool for protecting ecosystems. The purpose of the work is to investigate the effect of phosphoric slag on the technical parameters and phase composition of ceramic bricks without the use of natural raw materials based on intershale clay. The tasks of the study are to design compositions of ceramic bricks of grades no lower than M100-M125 without resorting to the use of natural components and to study the effect of phosphoric slag on phase transformations during firing of products. Results. It is proved that without the introduction of phosphoric slag into the composition of the ceramic mass as a non-plastic material, it is impossible to obtain ceramic bricks that meet the requirements of state standards only from intershale clay. The optimal composition for producing bricks of the M125 grade is a composition including 20% phosphoric slag. This amount of slag contributes to the formation of pseudovollastonite and larnite in bricks during firing. Conclusions. It was revealed that an increase in phosphoric slag from 10 to 30% reduces the plasticity of the ceramic mass from 19 to 9, and hence the binding properties of the intershale clay, which leads to cracks on the surface of the brick.
Keywords.phosphoric slag, intershale clay, ceramic brick, technical parameters, phase composition, pseudo vollastonite, larnite
For citations:Abdrakhimov V.Z. The influence of phosphoric slag on technical parameters and phase composition of ceramic bricks // News of KSUAE, 2024, № 3(69), с.15-26, DOI: 10.48612/NewsKSUAE/69.2, EDN: DKLSYS

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