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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Yakupov N.M. – doctor of the technical sciences, professor, chief laboratory Laboratory Nonlinear Mechanics of Shell Institute Mechanical engineers and Machine building of Kazan Scientific Centre of Russia Academy of Sciences
Title of the articleTHE NONLINEAR MECHANICS OF SHELLS: HISTORY, FOUNDERS, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS. To Kh.M. Mushtari's 110 anniversary, K.Z. Galimov's 100 anniversary, M.S. Kornishin's 90 anniversary
Abstract.Fragments of a birth of covers and the nonlinear theory of covers. The information on founders of the nonlinear theory of covers. Some directions of development.
Keywords.shells, thin-walled construction, Kh.M. Mushtari, K.Z. Galimov, M.S. Kornishin.
For citations:Yakupov N.M. THE NONLINEAR MECHANICS OF SHELLS: HISTORY, FOUNDERS, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS. To Kh.M. Mushtari's 110 anniversary, K.Z. Galimov's 100 anniversary, M.S. Kornishin's 90 anniversary // Izvestiya KGASU. 2010. №1(13) P.5-15.

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