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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Kolodyazhny S.A. – candidate of technical sciences, professor, rector E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Pereslavtseva I.I. – senior lecturer E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering The organization address: 394006, Russia, Voronezh, 20-letiya Oktyabrya st., 84
Title of the articleMathematical modeling of the dynamics of the main hazards in the initial stage of fire
Abstract.Technical and space-planning the execution of any object must ensure the safe evacuation of people before the fire hazards of their maximum allowable values. Mass evacuation of the premises is carried out of a burning building in the early stages of a fire, for which there is no abrupt change in such dangerous for the human factors such as temperature, concentration of toxic gases and oxygen. Determining factor in the critical time of evacuation at this stage is indoor smoke, which drastically reduces the orientation of the people in the space and has a considerable psychological pressure. This paper discusses an integrated mathematical model of fire, consisting of five differential equations, and the final equality. To solve the system of equations of the initial stage of fire conditions have been some assumptions: the absence of receipt of ambient air, the average pressure of the medium is constant and equal to the pressure of outside air, smoke-forming ability of combustible material and combustion efficiency are constant due to the small changes in the concentration of oxygen. As a result of research, analytical formulas for the determination of the time to reach the limit values of the temperature, the concentration of oxygen and toxic gases in the room with a hearth fire, as well as a formula for determining the critical time of evacuation for the loss of visibility in the areas adjacent to the fire. This formula allows you to use it in the practice of engineering calculations when considering the problem of the safe evacuation of the premises in case of fire. hazards, integrated model of fire, initial stage of the fire, critical time of the evacuation.
For citations:Kolodyazhny S.A., Pereslavtseva I.I. Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of the main hazards in the initial stage of fire // Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. №4(30) P.403-412.

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