About the authors
First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address. | Kamalova Z.A. – candidate of technical science, professor Smirnov D.S. – candidate of technical science, associate professor Теl.: (843) 510-47-27 Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE) |
Title of the article | Some possibilities of production of portland cement in the Republic of Tatarstan |
Abstract. | In the beginning of 21centuries Portland cement the most demanded and strategically important product in building branch. Republic Tatarstan one of the most developed regions RF building volumes in which continuously increase. Thus own manufacture of cement in republic is absent. According to territorial body of Federal Agency of statistics on RT, in 2007 in republic it has been delivered 1mln. 552 thousand t. For the sum of 5 billion 637 mln. rbl. The question on creation in RT cement manufacture rose repeatedly and each time did not find the decision in a kind of absence of a corresponding row – material base for its manufacturing. In work the estimation of possibility of application in manufacture Portland cement carbonates breads Mendeleevsky (a deposit «Kamaevscai the area») and Drozhanscogo ( a deposit «the Tatar chasm») areas is resulted. |
Keywords. | Building materials and making. |
For citations: | Kamalova Z.A., Smirnov D.S. Some possibilities of production of portland cement in the Republic of Tatarstan // Izvestiya KGASU. 2009. №2(12) P.246-249. |