Archive - Известия Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета.

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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Nadirova K.G. – candidate of architecture, associate professor, head of Architectural Composition department
Теl.: (843) 510-46-68, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE)
Title of the articleMedieval capitals of the Volga-Kama: experience of the comparison of the spatially-plan structures
Abstract.The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of spatially-plan structures of the capitals of the medieval states of region and identify the conditions and reasons of their sharp changing in the process of development of town-planning culture of Volgo-Kama in a period from Х to the middle of ХVI c.
Keywords.Structure, type, urban culture.
For citations:Nadirova K.G. Medieval capitals of the Volga-Kama: experience of the comparison of the spatially-plan structures // Izvestiya KGASU. 2009. №2(12) P.15-21.

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