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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Varlamov A.A. – candidate of technical sciences, professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Magnitogorsk State Technical University of Nosov The organization address: 455000, Russia, Magnitogorsk, Lenin st., 38
Title of the articleModel of elastic behavior of concrete
Abstract.To build a model of elastic behavior of the concrete model is adopted «matrix-filler». Model for probabilistic analysis conducted organize filler in the body of the matrix. Result: 1. Placeholder in the model is placed in a certain amount of it; 2. Filler shifted in accordance with stochastic processes; 3. There is minimum cell, where we get the inhomogeneous distribution of material; 4. Real model considers two types of heterogeneity – heterogeneity and heterogeneity between cells within a cell. Based on the analysis of the simplest models proposed three basic options for models. Distributed matrix with inclusions, rough. Aggregate – real or filler matrix defects. Using the model analyzed growth defects in the concrete (including cracks). Obtained a linear dependence of the number of defects due and initial modulus of elasticity of concrete E0/E0`= 1 - ?. Received different versions of dependencies: binding elastic properties of concrete (Eb), aggregate (EЗ) and matrix (EM). One of the most effective offered flat model.
Keywords.Two-factor model, aggregate, matrix, the modulus of elasticity.
For citations:Varlamov A.A. Model of elastic behavior of concrete // Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. №3(29) P.19-26.

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