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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Mirsayapov I.T. – doctor of technical sciences, professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Sharafutdinov R.A. – student E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering The organization address: 420043, Russia, Kazan, Zelenaya st., 1
Title of the articleThe computational model of bearing capacity and foundation of soil sediment, reinforced by vertical and horizontal elements
Abstract.It is proposed a calculation model to assess the bearing capacity and settlement of reinforced vertical and horizontal elements of the Foundation soil, based on the results of experimental studies and on the hypothesis that the bearing capacity of slab Foundation consists of the resistance zone of reinforced horizontal elements in the zone of the reinforced vertical elements and in the zone of soil under the vertical reinforcing elements. Based on the gutter of experiments was developed the method of calculating the bearing capacity of reinforced soil Foundation, including expressions to determine: the resistance of the reinforced soil mass in the area of horizontal reinforcement elements in the zone of reinforcement of the vertical elements and in the area of the vertically reinforcing elements. The proposed method allows to reliably calculate the bearing capacity of reinforced Foundation at all stages of loading, taking account of the joint deformation of the reinforcing elements and the soil. Also based on the gutter of experiments have been developed improved methods of settlement of the reinforced soil foundation reinforced with vertical and horizontal elements, allowing to consider joint deformation of the soil and reinforcing elements. The proposed method allows to more accurately predict the magnitude of precipitation in combination with reinforced soil Foundation. The developed method of calculation of the bearing capacity and settlement of reinforced vertical and horizontal elements, soil bases is in good agreement with the test results.
Keywords.calculation model, load capacity, precipitation, static load.
For citations:Mirsayapov I.T., Sharafutdinov R.A. The computational model of bearing capacity and foundation of soil sediment, reinforced by vertical and horizontal elements // Izvestiya KGASU. 2016. №3(37) P.179-186.

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