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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Marat Sh. Fazleev, аssociate professor, candidate of architecture, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Rashid N. Diiarov, еngineer, project designer, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articleDevelopment of the recreational environment on the territory of the park named after. Petrova of Kazan and increasing its tourist attractiveness
Abstract.The Park named after Petrov is one of the oldest parks in the city of Kazan, located on the border of the former Porokhovaya Sloboda district. Despite its high memorial and historical value, today the territory is in need of development. On the territory of Petrov Park it is necessary to create a comfortable and functional tourist and recreational environment for comfortable use. Guests and residents of the city will be able to get closer to the history of the outstanding enterprise, cultivate in themselves and their children a feeling of pride and patriotism. The purpose of the study is to develop tourist and recreational environment on the territory of Petrov Park in Kazan for its inclusion into the existing tourist environment of the city, creating a comfortable favorable environment for guests and residents of the city. Results. Based on the existing condition and recreational potential of the territory, field studies performed, identified principles for the reconstruction of memorial parks, analysis of sources and iconography, a concept for improving and increasing the tourist attractiveness of the recreational environment on the territory of the Petrov park of Kazan was developed. In accordance with the study, a master plan of the territory was developed, as well as views. Conclusions.1. The territory of Petrov Park has significant potential for development. 2. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the design of memorial parks, the principles of reconstruction of memorial parks have been identified. Memorial parks should play an educational role, tell the history of the place through their content, and also meet the requirements of modern use. 3. The developed concept of improvement includes memorial objects, meets the identified principles of reconstruction of memorial parks, and also meets the standards of modern use. Thanks to the formation of a tourist route, including the memorial park and nearby historical sites, Petrov Park will be included in the city’s tourist system
Keywords.park, recreational environment, landscaping, tourist attractiveness
For citations:Fazleev M. Sh., Diyarov R. N. Development of the recreational environment on the territory of the park named after Petrova of Kazan and increasing its tourist attractiveness // News KSUAE, 2024, № 1(67), p.193-206, DOI: 10.48612/NewsKSUAE/67.19, EDN: YUELYP

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