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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Khalikova F.R. – candidate of technical sciences E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kupriyanov V.N. – doctor of technical sciences, professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Sedov A.N. – candidate of technical sciences E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering The organization address: 420043, Russia, Kazan, Zelenaya st., 1
Title of the articleAutomated software package for calculating insolation premises
Abstract.At the heart of the current regulatory principle calculation method for calculating insolation is the duration of exposure in hours. However, according to numerous theoretical and experimental studies of calculation of insolation is proposed to consider in terms of intensity and doses of ultraviolet radiation. It is proposed to determine the dose of ultraviolet radiation as in room air, and on its surfaces. An automated software system «RaiN 2013» for calculating insolation premises by the intensity and dose of ultraviolet radiation is presented. The basis of a computer program is developed on the basis of theoretical and experimental research methodology for calculating the dose of ultraviolet radiation range (B + C) in indoor air and on its surfaces. When calculating the parameters specified premises window parameters, thickness of the outer walls, the orientation of the room, the presence or absence of opposing buildings, the number and type of glass in the pane. Thus, this methodology takes into account both space-planning and urban space solutions and permeability types of glass used in the effective UV range (B + C), coming to the facades of buildings of different orientations. Established on the basis of the developed method, a computer program «RaiN 2013» allows you to automatically receive conclude that the level of non-compliance or bactericidal efficiency of residential premises. The software package «RaiN 2013» is designed for engineers, architects, and can be incorporated into existing software packages for the design of buildings. package, the calculation of insolation, orientation facilities, duration of insolation, the transparency of glass, the intensity of solar radiation, the radiation dose.
For citations:Khalikova F.R., Kupriyanov V.N., Sedov A.N. Automated software package for calculating insolation premises // Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. №4(30) P.178-182.

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