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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Sokolov L.Ya. – junior researcher E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Scientific Research Institute «BashNIIstroy» The organization address: 450064, Russia, Ufa, Konstitucii st., 3
Title of the articleRational form of the one-pile foundation under columns of industrial buildings and constructions
Abstract.Based on existing data and results of in-situ experiments, the conclusion was drawn that construction consisting of driven cast-in-place pile of pyramidal form (upper part) and driven prismatic pile (bottom part) should expediently be used as one-pile foundation under the columns of framed buildings. Increase of pile cross-sectional dimensions from top to bottom increases its lateral load resistance, as the pile upper part with the greater lateral load resistance has the most bending stiffness and the most area of the lateral surface contact with soil with the most radius of compacted zone in direction of lateral force application. Decrease of pile bending stiffness with the depth of its penetration with such form of the pile shaft is in good agreement with the diagram of bending moments. Numerous, mostly in-situ experiments showed increase of the specific pyramidal piles bearing capacity while vertical load behavior compared to prismatic piles. Such composite pile has the form of a shaft that accepts the combined column vertical and lateral loads in the best way and is of a high efficiency.
Keywords.Pyramidal driven cast-in-place pile, one-pile foundation, composite pile, lateral load, diagram «load-displacement»
For citations:Sokolov L.Ya. Rational form of the one-pile foundation under columns of industrial buildings and constructions // Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. №1(27) P.131-139.

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