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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Riаbоv О.R. – candidate of psychological sciences, аssоciаte prоfessоr E-mаil: оscаr-ryаbоv@yа Kаzаn Stаte University оf Аrchitecture аnd Engineering The оrgаnizаtiоn аddress: 420043, Russiа, Kаzаn, Zelenаyа st., 1
Title of the articleGreen microzone in the urban environment
Abstract.Intensifying rates of urbanization, and the resulting deterioration in the process of ecological indicators require the development of new and innovative approaches humanization of the urban environment. We propose a new approach to the greening of urban spaces, which allows to solve the problems of ecologization and humanization of urban spaces without radical methods of transformation of the urban environment. Introduce the concept «green microzones». Green microzone is non-systemic landscaped object of the urbanized area the size of 5 x 10-8 to 0,3 hectares, performing the functions of creation the appropriate scale of human perception of the environment, management of traffic and pedestrian flows, creating figurative and emotional objects. The main objective of the green microzones is a connection of disparate elements of landscaping system. It is also proposed typology of the goals and methods of creation of green microzones in the urban environment: 1. As a means of creating scales relevant to human perception of the urban environment; 2. As a control traffic and pedestrian flows in the urban environment; 3. As a means of creating figurative and emotional perception of the urban environment. All this gives an opportunity to create green microzones of different sizes, and allows you to solve various problems in any areas. microzone, landscaping, space organization, emotion, perception, architectural environment.
For citations:Riаbоv О.R. Green microzone in the urban environment // Izvestiya KGASU. 2016. №4(38) P.185-191.

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