About the authors
First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address. | Maneshev I.O. – post-graduate student E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Pravnik Y.I. – engineer E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Safin I.A. – student Sadykov R.A. – doctor of technical science, professor E-mail: Sadykov_R_A@mail ru Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering The organization address: 420043, Russia, Kazan, Zelenaya str., 1 Eremin S.A. – сhief еngineer E-mail: кео@Сitydom.ru MUE PA «Kazenergo» The organization address: 420021, Russia, Kazan, Tukay str., 162 |
Title of the article | Experimental determination of coefficients of heat conductivity and efficiency of superthin heat-insulating coverings |
Abstract. | Currently, the heat loss through the surface of heat that are heat transport artery, reaching 15-30 % of heating consumes more than 400 million tons of fuel per year, and the heat loss is approximately 62 mln.t.u.t. / year. All this is laid in the rate and is payable by the consumer. Hence the importance of high-quality and high-performance insulation, the effectiveness of which is determined primarily by the thermal conductivity insulating material, which determines the required thickness of the insulation layer. Hence the need to find more and more heat insulators with improved thermal properties. And this in turn raises the problem of finding the thermal conductivity of the heat insulator. Obviously, there are hopes that superthin insulating coating in some way to meet these needs. Quite obviously follows from this problem of determining their thermal properties. This article attempts to answer this challenge. The authors have created a design for the determination of thermal conductivity and efficiency of superthin insulating coatings. Developed a method for their determination. Conducted experiments to determine happy these coefficients for materials: TSM Ceramic, Astratec, Teplos-Top, Moutrical, PPP and PRP, which are close to the advertised. Of course, this work still requires further development and more trials. But the results gives us some hope. |
Keywords. | Superthin insulating coating, heat flux, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal efficiency, multi-plane-parallel walls. |
For citations: | Maneshev I.O., Pravnik Y.I., Safin I.A., Sadykov R.A., Eremin S.A. Experimental determination of coefficients of heat conductivity and efficiency of superthin heat-insulating coverings // Izvestiya KGASU. 2013. №1(23) P.135-142. |