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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Pavel V. Eremeev, post-graduate student, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Genadij N. Shmelev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articleDetermination of normal stresses in metal rod structures under an arbitrary combination of forces and torsion, taking into account plastic deformations under cyclic loading
Abstract.The work of thin-walled metal structures of an open profile, common in construction practice, is characterized by a significant effect of section deplaning on the bearing capacity, which determines the relevance of research to determine the stress-strain state of sections during bending and constrained torsion, taking into account plastic deformations. The purpose of the study was to develop a numerical mathematical model based on the method of variable elasticity parameters, which allows sufficiently accurate determination of the normal stresses of the cross sections of rod metal structures, taking into account plastic deformations under constrained torsion and cyclic loading. The objectives of the research are: development of a numerical mathematical model based on the method of variable elasticity parameters; implementation of a mathematical model in the form of a program; verification of the developed program. The article presents a mathematical model that allows us to determine the normal stresses in rod metal structures under constrained torsion, taking into account the development of plastic deformations. The model is implemented as a program in the Python programming language and verified in the elastic and plastic stages of working with analytical and numerical (finite element method) solutions. Deviations of the maximum stresses in the cross section according to the method of variable elasticity parameters from analytical and numerical solutions in the elastic stage amounted to no more than 5%, which indicates the applicability of the method under consideration to solving problems of the combined action of bending moment and bimoment forces in the elastic stage of work. The stress distribution over the cross section during plastic deformations and subsequent unloading using the method of variable elasticity parameters is sufficiently consistent with the results of the finite element method, which indicates the applicability of the proposed model to solve problems in the elastoplastic stage under cyclic loading. The results obtained can be used to refine calculations in the design of metal structures experiencing the combined action of bending moment and torsion.
Keywords.Constrained torsion, method of variable elastic parameters, elastoplastic deformations
For citations:Eremeev P.V., Shmelev G.N. Determination of normal stresses in metal rod structures under an arbitrary combination of forces and torsion, taking into account plastic deformations under cyclic loading // News KSUAE, 2024, № 1(67), p. 135-145, DOI: 10.48612/NewsKSUAE/67.14, EDN: VEBYDG

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