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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Ustinov A.V. – senior lecturer
Kazan state university of architecture and engineering (KSUAE)
Tel.: 89872967445, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articleThe history of land question in Russia and the place it occupies in theory and practice of municipal engineering
Abstract.The state of Russia before revolution can be characterized as being full of successes and failures of Stolipin’s reform which took place in 1906 and was calculated to last for 20 years. The basis of this reform was constituted by the land question. The reform itself advanced rather successfully and by 1918 peasants already owned about 77,4 % of arable land, 6 % of it was in the arms of the non-peasant economies, and only 16,6 % was in the possession of landlords. The bulk of these lands turned up to be owned by peasants illegally, by means of unauthorized acquisition during the period between February and October revolutions – in summer and autumn of 1917. “The Land Decree” consolidated the real status of land relations that had been formed in area. In the period starting from 1918 till 1922 a number of attempts was undertaken by different governments to adjust land relations legislatively. However the victory of Bolshevik’s party was crowned with Land code of 1922, which had fixed the right of individual usage of land, that in the same time was under the government property holdings. This document has lost its actuality in connection with the about-turn of the USSR’s home policy to the total collectivization. The stability of the government holdings concerning the question of land was emphasized in the Constitution of USSR of 1936, and up to the period of stagnation prosperity the land question fell out of the existence.
Keywords.Municipal engineering, land, land question, land management, land relations
For citations:Ustinov A.V. The history of land question in Russia and the place it occupies in theory and practice of municipal engineering // Izvestiya KGASU. 2009. №2(12) P.80-85.

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