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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Yakupov N.M., doctor of technical sciences, head of Nonlinear Mechanical Engineers of Shells Laboratory of Institute Mechanical Engineers and Machine Building of Kazan Scientific Centre of Russia Academy of Sciences (LNMS IMM KSC RAS) Abdiushev A.A., senior scientific researcher of LNMS IMM KSC RAS, senior lecturer of the bridge and transport subways department
Title of the articleParametric curing bracket study by accounting complex facilities ESA-PC2000
Abstract.One of the essential reasons of destroying the constructions and buildings is presence of concoctions of stresses, the most dangerous from which is a rift. However appearance of rift does not yet mean “ruin” constructions. Destruction will occur in that event, if length of rift will overpass a critical length. Using brackets in the region of rift possible to create a field a compression and prevent a destruction of constructions, or at least suspend a development of rift. In work happen to some results of the analysis tense-deformed condition of system “plate with the rift - a bracket”, tinned on the base of complex ESA-PC2000. There shown influence of brackets on tense deformed condition of plate with the rift and explored influence of geometry of bracket and its location. Efficiency of use “curing” brackets noted, as well as possibility of choice of the most rational variant of location of these brackets.
Keywords.Destruction of the designs, treating overlays, crack development, settlement complex
For citations:YUkupov N.M., Abdyushev A.A. Parametric curing bracket study by accounting complex facilities ESA-PC2000 // Izvestiya KGASU. 2007. №2(8) P.61-63.

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