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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Irina V. Koroleva, Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russian Federation E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ORCID 0000-0003-4475-988X Hendra Saputra, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Pembangunan Jaya University, South Tangerang, Indonesia E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Title of the articleAnalysis of the behavior of gray clays under triaxial loading at different moisture values and loading conditions
Abstract.Problem statement. The safety of buildings and structures depends on the reliability of the foundation. When designing foundation bases, the question of the deformation characteristics of soils arises. Gray clays are the least studied at the moment, since in their natural state they lie at significant depths, and were not previously included in the compressible thickness. The main goal of this study is to identify the features of the deformation of gray clays of a disturbed structure under triaxial loading at different values of humidity, the value of exposure in a desiccator and the presence of the first stage of loading. The main objective of this study is to identify the deformation features of gray clays with a damaged structure under triaxial loading at different humidity values, the length of exposure in a desiccator, and the presence of the first loading stage. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: identical samples were created from clays with a damaged structure; triaxial experimental studies were conducted; the ultimate strength of the samples and deformation characteristics were determined; graphical dependences of strength, deformation modulus, and shear modulus on humidity and loading conditions were shown. Results: Experimental studies were performed on samples, made of soil with a disturbed structure. Three values of specified humidity are adopted: 38%, 40% and 42%. The first stage of loading simulates the presence of soil defects in the form of a plane of destruction. The main results of the studies are new data on the development of vertical deformations and modules of general deformations, also shear modules under triaxial loading conditions depending on different values of soil moisture, the time of holding the samples in a desiccator before testing, the magnitude of lateral pressure and the presence of the first stage of loading. An analysis of the research results was performed and some patterns in the behavior of clay soils under triaxial static loading were established. Conclusions: Establishing the influence of humidity, holding time, lateral pressure value and the presence of the first stage of loading on the development of vertical deformations and on changes in the moduli of general deformations and shear of a clay soil sample under triaxial compression conditions is an important task for the construction industry.
Keywords. clay soil, triaxial compression, two-stage loading, moisture, holding time.
For citations:Koroleva I.V., Saputra H. Analysis of the behavior of gray clays under triaxial loading at different moisture values and loading conditions // News of KSUAE, 2024, № 4(70), p. 54-62, DOI: 10.48612/NewsKSUAE/70.5, EDN: EYHIOT

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