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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Zedgenizov A.V. – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Zedgenizova A.N. – post-graduate student Levashev A.G. – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Irkutsk State Technical University The organization address: 664074, Russia, Irkutsk, Lermontova st., 83
Title of the articleEstimate of trip generation to supermarket in weekend
Abstract.We consider the mode of operation of commercial facility (supermarket) in the area of a residential neighborhood. Daily distribution of the duration of parking was received. Level of commercial loading facility hours of the day was obtained. The distribution of the number of people at the individual and public transport for this type of territory was obtained. Specific generation of a residential facility was 1,76 per/m2. The coefficients of the daily irregularities corresponding to the type area were obtained. The characteristic peak periods was obtained. The article is intended to consider the impact of urban development on the road network. For timely and meet the needs of traffic engineers in the field of transport should have relevant information about the state of transport and urban infrastructure, have an idea about the preferences of the residents on the use of transport, to adjust the public transport nodes and major road network, etc. However, obtaining information related to the preferences of the resident or the volume of correspondence between the calculated vehicle traffic areas, is very time consuming task and cannot be realized in a relatively short period of time. At the same time, growth areas, and various services, particularly in central urban areas is largely ahead of the planned survey of the road network. Thus, the application of methodologies for evaluating the design capacity of the transport area or individual area, in order to influence located in close proximity to transport infrastructure is an important scientific and practical challenge.
Keywords.Trip generation, capacity area, parking, traffic flow, transport planning.
For citations:Zedgenizov A.V., Zedgenizova A.N., Levashev A.G. Estimate of trip generation to supermarket in weekend // Izvestiya KGASU. 2012. №2(20) P.78-83.

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