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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Plevkov V.S. – doctor of technical sciences, professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Goncharov M.E. – assistant E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building The organization address: 634003, Russia, Tomsk, Solyanaya sq., 2
Title of the articleFeatures of work of combined ferroconcrete columns joints at short-term dynamic loading
Abstract.Results of research of work of ferroconcrete columns joints without strengthening and strengthened by metal elements at short-term dynamic loading are given in article. Programs of pilot and numerical studies were developed for realization of an objective. The program of pilot studies included three series of designs. Each series included five designs with a section of 100х100 mm. In experimental designs the following parameters varied: joint existence, reinforcing design in a joint, and as existence of external strengthening in the form of metal elements. As a result of carrying out pilot studies on short-term dynamic loadings character of a cracking and deformation, ultimate loads and schemes of destruction of experimental designs were defined. Besides the algorithm and the program of calculation of joints of the combined ferroconcrete columns, based on Sokolov B.S. theory were developed for an assessment of durability of joints of columns at short-term dynamic loadings the Developed theory allows to define bearing ability of joints of combined ferroconcrete columns taking into account dynamic characteristics of materials of designs. Comparison of results of numerical and pilot studies showed good convergence and reliability of strengthenings of joints of columns metal holders at short-term dynamic loading. Thus destroying dynamic loadings which were received as a result of pilot studies of designs with a joint, exceed dynamic settlement load of 9,5 % and 21,9 % towards margin of safety that confirms a correctness of the offered method of calculation of joints of combined ferroconcrete columns at short-term dynamic loading.
Keywords.Multystoried buildings, joints of ferroconcrete columns, defects, strengthening, metal elements, pilot and numerical studies, calculation theory.
For citations:Plevkov V.S., Goncharov M.E. Features of work of combined ferroconcrete columns joints at short-term dynamic loading // Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. №3(29) P.62-67.

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