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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Zubkova Yana Olegovna architect E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it LLK «Remontstroyservis» The organization address: 420030, Russia, Kazan, Arkhangelsk highway, d. 7 Fakhrutdinova Inessa Alekovna candidate of architecture, associate professor E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering The organization address: 420043, Russia, Kazan, Zelenaya st., 1
Title of the articleWays to reduce energy consumption in the architecture of modern sports centers
Abstract.Problem statement. The volume of electricity consumed by sports buildings around the world is growing steadily. The purpose of the article is to study alternative energy sources, to find the optimal solution for achieving low energy consumption in sports centers by comparing solar energy and any other sources; to reduce the cost of maintaining a sports center. Results. Analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the operation of energy sources in sports buildings allows to identify alternative energy sources to provide energy to sports centers. Conclusions. The significance of the obtained results for the architecture consists in revealing the principles of sports facilities maintenance with the help of alternative energy sources, which allows saving on the operation of buildings. Identified alternative sources of energy can be the basis for the design of new sports centers, which in General will affect the economy of the city/region/state.
Keywords.the architecture of modern sports centers, alternative sources of energy in sports centers, energy resources of sports facilities, natural lighting of sports centers, energy-saving sports architecture.
For citations:Zubkova Y.O., Fakhrutdinova I.A. Ways to reduce energy consumption in the architecture of modern sports centers // Izvestiya KGASU. 2018. №2(44) P.67-77.

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