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About the authors

First name, Middle name, Last name, Scientific degree, Scientific rank, Current position. Full and brief name of the organization, The organization address.Khabibullin A.N. – post-graduate student E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the republic of Tatarstan The organization address: 420014, Russia, Kazan, Kremlin, the porch 5
Title of the articleMilitary and architectural terminology of Turk-tatars in Medieval
Abstract.Medieval military architecture, being independent of specific domain, which has absorbed the symbiosis of architecture and military engineering, has created around himself a rich vocabulary. Unfortunately, the terms of military architecture of the Turko-Tatars have survived in small numbers. Turkic linguistics research has its origins in the XIX century and continues to this day. Today, the Turko-Tatar terms may be identified by the following factors: 1. Systematic of the Turko-Tatar remaining terms. 2. Surviving place names and terms used in the estate of the folk architecture of the Tatars. 3. Terms of annalistic sources. 4. Analysis and identification of the terms of the names of adjacent states and peoples. 5. Extant terminology in the Cossacks. Three periods of formation of the Bulgar-Tatar fortifications terms: 1. Turki terms to the XIII century. 2. The Golden terms XIII-XV centuries. 3. Terms Tatar khanates XV-XVIII centuries. In general we can say that today there is a big problem in the lack of knowledge about the military and architectural terms. However, these names are preserved in the ancient written monuments of the Turks, in terms of other languages. There are very promising in the study of etymological dictionary of the Turkic language of interest to identify the names.
Keywords.Turk-tatar terminology, terminology of the energy of the fortification, the architectural and construction terminology.
For citations:Khabibullin A.N. Military and architectural terminology of Turk-tatars in Medieval // Izvestiya KGASU. 2011. №4(18) P.58-67.

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