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Maintenance №:2 Year:2016

Aitov R.R., Afanasyeva E.A.  The traditional coloring of the Tatar rural houses in modern conditionsСтр.7

The article presents the results of the study of color modern individual rural residential building of the Republic of Tatarstan. Found stable reproduction of the basic principles and methods of traditional Tatar coloring. This is polychromatic color scheme in green, blue, white and yellow, traditional techniques of contrasting colors and alternating colors (color stripe). Features of national color compositions are embodied in a traditional wooden building and saved in using modern building and finishing materials – brick, concrete, vinyl siding, metal profiled sheet. The basis of the stability of tradition is the immutability of national artistic and aesthetic views and tastes. They determine the features of working with modern materials, their processing (painting), selection and combination. Analysis and generalization of the obtained factual material allows to identify different types of interactions modern forms and materials of individual housing with traditional color solutions. The first type of interaction is the adaptation of materials (painting of concrete, brick and metal) to the requirements of the national coloring with using traditional architectural forms. The second type of interaction is the selection of new materials to reproduce traditional forms (in particular, traditional decor) in the traditional colors. The third type of interaction – a new combination of materials to reproduce traditional decorative and color composition. The fourth type of interaction – refusal of reproduction of traditional forms and compositions (and often the refusal of the decor) in the selection of new materials and designs; but with the persistence of traditional colors. Color composition of residential houses and other buildings demonstrates the highest degree of stability of traditions, reproducing even in the rejection of traditional forms and decoration. Builders and craftsmen demonstrate considerable ingenuity, implementing the permanence of national artistic and aesthetic views and tastes in changing modern conditions.

coloring, the architecture of Tatarstan, folk wooden architecture, rural residential house, modern construction and finishing materials.
Ashirova M.V., Aidarova G.N.  Rapid Response Architecture: the concept of temporary mobile housing in large citiesСтр.17

The article discusses the development of a temporary mobile housing in extreme climatic and social conditions, as well as in terms of temporary residence (maneuverable fund) in cities and major towns. A conceptual model of the temporary housing of the universal module for current consumption groups. These articles are based on the media data, and the analysis conducted by the author. Review and analyze all aspects vital activity groups temporary housing consumption, and identified relevant aspects of the design. The article discusses three design schemes, appropriate three price categories and groups of consumption. Temporary units are considered in actual consumer groups, and range in price and quality characteristics. The design of this article demonstrates the use of relevant materials according to the construction of technical and economic and geographical characteristics. The paper fully disclosed the theme of temporary mobile housing according to the provided analysis and relevance of the topic in the world today.

architecture rapid response, temporary housing, mobile architecture, the architecture of emergency, refugees, the homeless, the universal living unit module for temporary residence, modular architecture.
Kinosyan N.S.  Theoretical and practical contribution into the architecture of country houses of the post-war reconstruction buildingСтр.23

In the post-war time the farm settlements of our country went through the difficult times. In this period of time appeared the architectural publishment, the goal of which was to take up the main problems of planning, building and accomplishment of the restored farm settlements and to give practical help to the restorative building. Among the most active architects developing projects of the rural houses was I.G. Gainutdinov. Using his scientific researches on studying the features of historical national Tatar estates in the period of 1941-1948 the architect developed and submitted more than 20 projects for our region and for the different national republics adapted under various climatic conditions. In the post-war time the architectural activity of I.G. Gainutdinov was repeatedly consecrated by the Publishing house of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (G.M. Martinov «Planning and improvement of the village», «Rural houses»; L.N. Kiselevich «Frame of window openings of wooden buildings»). The architect I.G. Gainutdinov had written more than twenty scientific works devoted to studying the features and traditions of the Tatar architecture which have formed the basis of the article of the table developed by the author. The most interesting are «National lines of the dwelling of the Kazan Tatars», «National traditions in planning of settlements of the Kazan Tatars», «The rural estate of the Kazan Tatars of the middle of the 19th century» where the architect studies the principles of creation of houses and estates which were later organically brought in the inhabited constructions designed by him forming the basis of his creative method.

creative method, architecture, I.G. Gainutdinov, rural house, reconstruction building, tatar national ornament, tradition.
Kramina T.A.  The evolution of architectural and constructive solutions of industrial buildings. The experience and lessonsСтр.30

Currently, there is an urgent need for a new wave of Russian industrialization. As a consequence, there is a need to increase the volume of industrial construction, and on a new basis, taking into account the current capabilities in the field of building technologies and materials. Innovations in this, as in any other sphere, is impossible without studying the experience of previous generations construction of industrial facilities, the analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, it was traced the gradual development of structural schemes in the evolution of industrial construction, starting from 1600 and ending with the modern stage. The high importance of underrated achievements of Academician V.G. Shukhov in this field of science is proved. As a result of the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in designing, conclusions and directions of increasing the durability of industrial buildings and their performance are made. It has been shown that these measures will help reduce capital expenditures, including the cost of repairs. The resulting economic effect allows to direct the savings to increase the «active» part of fixed assets.

the design concept, durability, industrial construction, deformation, steel frames.
Lisitsyna A.V.  The historical and architectural environment of «border» towns of Nizhny-Novgorod region of the river VolgaСтр.39

The paper studies the influence of architecture and urban planning traditions of the city of Nizhny Novgorod on the historical and architectural environment of small and medium towns and settlements located at the boundaries of Nizhny-Novgorod region of the river Volga, i.e. Vetluga, Vyksa, Gorokhovets, Murom, Yurino, Yurievets, and Yadrin. Administratively subordinated to Nizhny Novgorod in certain periods of their history, now almost all of them belong to the neighboring territories (regions and republics). These towns are located in five geographic routes, each being in the outskirts of three regions and in the sphere of influence of three cities. The paper analyses the relationship between the «border» location of the studied towns and the specific features of their historical and architectural environment that was a transitional stage from the urban environment with its significant professional component to the traditional rural environment. For each town, the paper identifies the major milestones of their urban development and the most important cultural heritage of different periods of history, from the middle of the XVI century until the beginning of the XX century. It is shown that the cities influence on the medium and small towns surrounding them has been and remains versatile, multi-layered, multiple-vector. First of all, it manifests itself at the level of primary structures, i.e. the economics, industry, trade, and then is brightly displayed in the material and spiritual culture, which integral components are urban planning, architecture and art.

Nizhny-Novgorod region of the river Volga, Nizhny Novgorod, small and mid-sized historical towns, historical and architectural environment, town planning.
Mirsayapova I.I.  Three waves of the theoretical designСтр.49

Design history as a complex discipline ceases to be regarded as a straightforward evolutionary structure. A more rational approach involves multilinearity, one of the lines of evolution is a theory. Alvin Toffler developed the theory of three society development waves in 1970 and, as a result, it affected to the development of design in general. Therefore, it is interesting to consider the theory of Alvin Toffler applied to the design for us. The aim of the article is to examine the Alvin Toffler theory of three-wave, a comparison of the development design theory with these waves, thus the identification process, which is in the design of the impetus for the emergence and development of each wave. Examined in this article, the phenomenon of waves of Toffler, it is safe to say that in the development of the design, development and formation of theoretical thinking in the design of these waves played a role.

theory of three waves, industrial design, design theory, post-industrial design, the Bauhaus, post-industrial society, periodization design, design history, design theorists, design theory, Soviet Union design.
Nadyrova D.A.  Profitable houses of Kazan of the end of XIX-beginning XX centuries, as a multi-functional complexesСтр.57

The article is devoted to the study of profitable houses of Kazan of late XIX-early XX centuries as multifunctional complexes. The survey targeted 24 sites belong to different types of profitable houses. The author has conducted field surveys and photographic images of objects and archival research materials on these objects. The result of this work was carried out a comprehensive analysis of profitable houses of Kazan. It was found that apartment houses are multifunctional complexes. They carried out the following functions: residential, shopping, catering, entertainment, office, medical, warehouse, craft-production, educational, entertainment, consumer services. A reasonable combination of these functions in tenement houses will meet the needs of customers from different social walks of life. For the outdoor decoration of buildings of profitable houses used the elements and techniques characteristic stylistic trends in architecture of the late XIX – early XX centuries, eclecticism and art Nouveau. The art Nouveau style is most clearly reflected in the appearance of profitable houses of Kazan.

profitable house, function, architectural style, history of architecture.
Fachrutdinova I.A., Efimov D.D.  Public architecture of the soviet modernism period as a topical issue for research of regional architectural heritage (60-80-ies of the 20th century)Стр.64

The current scientific development of the problem is rather low. At the same time professional community is becoming more interested in the Soviet Modernism. This period was characterized by not only the standard residential construction. Construction of public buildings: cultural centers, cinemas, stadiums and circuses - has become a space of creative expression for the architects. Kazan has got a rather large historical layer of the public architecture of the Soviet modernism period. Among these public buildings there are such significant for the city, unique objects, as high-rise KSU academic buildings and, of course, Kazan State Circus. Research problems of the Soviet modernism are relevant and closely related to the modern challenges of the present day architecture. This project will further explore the impact of the Soviet Modernism on contemporary culture and art practice. A comprehensive review of the public architecture of the Soviet modernism period, on the example of Kazan city, will determine its historical value and identify the role in the evolution of the architecture of the Soviet period.

soviet modernism, public architecture, public buildings, historical value, regional architectural heritage.
Zhelnakova L.V., Rodionovskaya I.S.  Some methods of ecological protection of the kindergarten architectural environment in the megacity cramped conditionsСтр.72

According to the adopted by the Russian government program of inclusive education, children with limited mobility may attend a kindergarten in conjunction with healthy children. This category includes children with impaired hearing, vision, speech, intelligence, musculoskeletal system, disorders of emotional and volitional and with learning difficulties. Such children can successfully live an active, busy life, can adapt to the environment, to learn and develop. From an architectural perspective, this means that all new buildings of kindergartens to be built in Moscow should comply with the principles of universal design. All buildings must be accessible to persons with disabilities, should be inclusive. But, what is true inclusion? Is it possible to comply with its requirements if the building will be constructed in megapolis? This article is dedicated to ensuring ecologically protected environment of children's institutions in a megapolis. The main environmental factors of a megacity are: air pollution, lack of sufficient landscaping, noise. The situation is complicated by the fact that due to dense development, increasingly difficult to find sites for the location of kindergartens, which would be sufficient in size and would have optimum relief and form. The article discusses how to resolve this problem by integrating planting into the functional structure of the building of the kindergarten. The author examines the different types of such integration: the creation of winter gardens, «green playrooms», «aquariums-gardens» and its architectural features and also the possibility of plastic to create green play areas into the building. Positive effect of plants on physical and mental health of the child proved scientifically. A properly designed «Green playroom» is able to lighten the mood, stimulate the child to physical activity to relieve stress. Its importance for the inquisitive little man is hard to overestimate. Not only biological, but also «social» connection arises between the child and plants in urban settings. Plants variety of activities child and «heals» indoor climate. Thus, the vegetation that is properly integrated into the kindergarten building will help solve two problems at once: 1. Creating of the environmental protection from the destructive factors of the city. This applies to all children, including children with disabilities; 2. Harmonization of habitat that is alive and constantly changing, as is typical for the child's psyche.

arcology, phyto-components, kindergarten, environmental protection, integrated landscaping.
Dembich А.А., Zakieva L.F.  The formation of medical clusters in Kazan functioning as «growth points» of the medicine in the regionСтр.79

This investigation is devoted to cluster approach that may turn into one of the effective means of the region’s economic development. The primary task of our investigation is analyzing of the main stages of cluster formation and development of the term «cluster». Another key point is studying programs supporting clusters development politics in Russian Federation and Republic of Tatarstan. As a result we suggest the organization of health care system on the region’s territory based on cluster approach. For carrying out this task we define prioritized locations in the city’s structure, and choose the appropriate profile of cluster after detailed population’s need analyses. Finally we suggest support facilities functionality for each medical cluster. Clusters which demonstrate the integration of different functions such as treatment, education, research, rehabilitation and recreation increase the competitiveness of the region, create the foundation for attracting patients from neighboring areas, and as a result contribute to the development of the medical tourism in region. Medical clusters in the city help to create the «points of growth» of medicine in RT's economy and to improve the quality of the medical services provided for population.

the cluster approach, the medical cluster, health facilities, scientific research centers, competitiveness of the region, innovative development.
Narbekov M.F.  Urban planning and development of Baku and Baku Agglomeration (end of 1930s-2015)Стр.87

The article contains the study of the urban development of Baku’s metropolitan area over a 75-year period. It also covers the general factors which stimulated an urban sprawl across Absheron Peninsula in the post-Soviet period. A comparative analysis of the town planning structure specified in Greater Baku Regional Development Plan (GBRDP) includes an identification of the distinctive features of the new planning document and an overview of the major large-scale projects implemented in Baku. Development of new GBRDP until 2030 will ensure sustainable development of the metropolitan area of Baku (Greater Baku), the greening of cities and settlements of Absheron, economic and social stability, the improvement of transport infrastructure, attracting investment, tourism development, preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the country.

Baku agglomeration, Baku General Plan, Greater Baku Regional Development Plan, urban fabric, sustainable development.
Badertdinov I.R., Kuznetsov I.L.  Optimal geometrical parameters of trihedral steel support’s cross sectionСтр.95

The article deals with steel triangular lattice towers with a triangular or diagonal bar for the construction of supports of transmission lines, poles wind generator installations, supports for the placement of lighting equipment. For these constructions have become consumption depends on the geometric parameters of cross-section. Therefore, to reduce the consumption of steel must be assigned the optimal value of parameters such as the height of the cross-section, angle braces. For these supports an analytical expression of the masses. From the condition of a minimum weight a formula for determining the optimal height of the cross-section triangular lattice towers received. The equations and the graphs allow to determine these parameters to determine the optimal tilt angle braces and supports a triangular lattice truss. The value of the optimal angle for the supports with a triangular lattice is ?opt = 68o, and for bearings with diagonal bars ?opt = 63?.

trihedral support; analytical expression of weight; bracings’s optimal height and angle of an inclination.
Kupriyanov V.N., Altapov S.R.  Modeling of wind actions by changing of a form of the buildingСтр.100

Analysis and accounting of wind effects on the urban environment and detached, especially high-rise buildings is difficult, but at the same time poorly studied problem. The article defines the problem which should be solved in the design of the urban environment and high-rise buildings. Particular attention is paid to the regulation value of wind pressure on the high-rise building by changing the shape of buildings, consequently, the angle between the wind direction and the plane of different sections of the facade. Using software analysis shows wind pressure to different portions of the facade and the change of wind pressure on buildings of different shapes. Showing trajectory of wind currents and changing wind speeds in the flow of buildings of different shapes. Conclusions on the results obtained.

wind speed, wind pressure, trajectories of wind streams, building form, computer programs.
Ladnushkin A.A., Avhadeev R.R., Hasanov R.M., Sadykov R.R.  Modernization of industrial chimneys of oil production complexesСтр.105

Continuous growth in both quantitative and qualitative improvements in the production of petrochemical plants determines the need for modernization and technical re-equipment, which affects the physical and geometrical parameters of the existing building structures. The article discusses the modernization of industrial pipes of oil refineries industrial complexes needed to meet new technological processes. This problem can be solved by reconstruction of the chimney with internal gas exhaust trunk, confirmed the practical application on current production. Work on installation of the gas exhaust trunk was conducted by gearless installation technology for installation without the use of standard jib cranes due to the cramped conditions of the adjoining sites. As part of the planned works for complex survey and examination of newly installed chimney in the period since the erection of the present day conclusions about the suitability for continued service and expediency of the device of the gas exhaust trunk.

modernization of industrial enterprises, editing of gas-outletbarrel, flue, reconstruction of flue.
Mirsayapov I.T., Sharafutdinov R.A.  Bearing capacity and precipitation of soil foundations reinforced by vertical and horizontal elementsСтр.111

The results of researches of influence of combined vertical and horizontal reinforcement on the stress-strain state, carrying capacity and draught reinforced base. The modeling work of the Foundation soil under laboratory conditions was carried out in a bulk tray beneath a square rigid concrete slab. When testing we used a model of geosynthetic nets and plastic tubing. When conducting trough tests identified strain of the soil in different areas of the base, in vertical and horizontal reinforcing elements, precipitation of the base. On the basis of the results obtained, plots of the above mentioned parameters of the load. The analysis of the obtained results, which shows that the combined reinforcement increases the bearing capacity and reduced precipitation. The combined reinforcement of the Foundation soil horizontal and vertical elements changes the stress–strain state and deformation conditions of the base, limiting the deformation of soil in the vertical and in the horizontal direction.

vertical and horizontal reinforcing elements, combined reinforcement, soil, sediment, static loading, deformation, stress, bearing capacity.
Akhmerova G.M., Fedorov A.V.  The influence of soil moisture on heat losses of pipes in the impassable channelsСтр.117

Flooding is a sensitive issue for many cities. 1108 cities of Russia flooded the earth 792 cities. Kazan, dissected by river valleys of the Kazanka River, the Knoxes, Kunderki, Salt, and a quarter of the territory is in a constant state of flooding. Geologists have concluded: the ground water is much higher – the groundwater level from 0 to 3 m. Such conditions can significantly affect heat losses of underground heat. The thermal conductivity of soil is not constant, it depends on the humidity. To calculate heat losses through insulated surface of heat pipelines for underground laying in impassable channels were selected two types of insulation: mineral wool plates on synthetic binding M-75 and mats from super thin glass fibers without binder. The analysis of heat losses through insulated surface of pipelines of thermal networks for different modes of operation of heat pipes with simultaneous wetting of the soil from 0 to 48 %. The dependence of heat loss from the moisture of the soil, a kind of thermal insulation and modes of operation. Comparison of the obtained results with normative values.

heat insulation materials, heat loss piping.
Barysheva O.B., Khabibullin Iu.Kh., Belyaeva Е.E.  The effectiveness of the use of exhaust transformer oil in heating system of non-residential premisesСтр.122

For the majority of motorists in our country with the arrival of cold weather becomes relevant problem such as heating garage. However, a garage and a technical room for storing the vehicle, it is desirable still take care of the heating. Consider the main points. The first point - if the garage is not heated, indoor winter will accumulate moisture: snow, ice, the frozen on the bottom. The room in which the temperature is not very different from the outdoor temperature, especially in winter, creates a lot of inconvenience, starting from the car in sub-zero temperatures can simply not start, ending the inability to carry out various repairs. The second point – the engine is started is much easier in a heated room. Third, repair the car more comfortable in the heat. To date, there are a few different options of how to make heating in the garage with his hands; every car owner determines which method to use it. Heating garage, regardless of the chosen system, requires some investment and labor costs, and depends mainly on the capacity of the motorist.

transformer oil, heating system, heater, coolant, economy.
Broyda V.A.  The expediency of the air conditioning system with cold accumulationСтр.127

Consumption of cold air-conditioning systems is unequally throughout the day. This makes it possible to accumulate cold during small consumption and to use it during the maximum consumption. This measure significantly reduces installed power of the chiller and its power of communication, which leads to a significant reduction in investment. It needs a simple (collecting sensible heat) or active (using the heat of phase transformations) storage tank for cold accumulation, which requires additional investment. Accumulation of cold can be done at night, with a more economical power rate, thus reducing operating costs. This article focuses on the technical and economic evaluation of the cold accumulation for air-conditioning systems. Within of these models (simple and active storage tanks, operating and cost parameters) it is found that, usage of accumulation can lead to a significant reduction in money resources taking into account the cost of connection to the grid power. The greatest economic effect is achieved when the share of the cold accumulation is about 0,4 of the daily cold’s requirement. The decrease of resulted expenses, taking into account the reduction of investment and annual operating costs are up to 40?45 %.

accumulation of cold, consumption, night tariff, chiller, cost.
Volodin Yu.G., Hannanov R.R.  Mathematical modeling of the worker process in gas canal for the boiler aggregate TGM-84Стр.133

One of the current trends in the energy-producing industry is the heat energy and resource saving in the operation of the technological equipment. The article presents the mathematical model of the turbulent flow of the flue gases in the gas canal of the boiler TGM-84. The calculations realization at utilization of the program complex ANSYS showed. Mathematical modeling of the worker process in the gas canal bases on the three-measuring unsteady-state equations Navier-Stokes. At modeling realized an idea of the throttling flow of the smoke gases in the seat for the deferent gas piping over RVP. By the redistribution of potential and kinetic energy flow received the local increase of the pressure in deferent gas piping. The optimal position of the throttle screen and its optimal size identified. The measured air suction on the working boiler before and after installing the throttle screen showed a marked reduction of the inflow air into the gas canal.

the inflow air, the mathematical model, the throttling screen, the boiler TGM-84, the economizer of air RVP-54, the gas canal.
Posokhin V.N., Ziganshin A.M., Gorohova A.Y.  About natural convection over the horizontal heat sourcesСтр.140

This work presents results of numerical research of natural convection above the horizontal plate flush with the surrounding surface. Arising jet can be divided into three sections – initial where the flow has a laminar flow regime, continue to increase the height of the flow begins to lose stability – a zone of transition flow, and with a certain height – developed turbulence jet. The concept of the Rayleigh number for an arbitrary section Rax, as the sum of Ra0 – shows the ratio of gravity forces and viscous forces in the area adjacent to the horizontal heat source, and ?Rax additive characterizes the change in the number of Rayleigh on the jet height. Conducted a series of numerical studies using laminar model i.e. solve a system of equations of fluid motion without the use of RANS approach. Solving the tasks with changing of heat flux of the source, so that Ra0 was within 8•102?104, which corresponds to a laminar mode of heat transfer. At the same time, Rax values depending on the height changed significantly. According to the numerical results plotted the graphs of changes of relative axial velocity and excessive temperature and relative Rayleigh number . There was some critical height xcr – the beginning of the transient zone. Also determined the dependence . Further results of numerical modeling using RANS approach are shown. The graphs of the relative change in axial velocity using different turbulence models are plotted. It is shown that, k-? model reproduce the kinematics of the flow better than the other on the main zone of the jet, and on the initial section – laminar model.

natural convection, flat heat source, flow regimes, the critical value of the Rayleigh number, turbulence models.
Posohin V.N., Kareeva J.R.  About pressure loss at jet flow in limited spacesСтр.146

Based on previous results pressure loss and coefficients of local resistance for different schemes of inflow and outflow in ventilation spaces are defined. Jet flows in flat and cylindrical dead-end, flat flowing channel, channel with out-of-alignment inflow and outflow are considered. Values of overpressure depend on longitudinal and transversal constrained parameters. It can be essential and it has to be considered at aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems. Calculation is carried out numerically with the help of program complex Fluent. To close the system of equations of turbulent motion «standard» k – ? model is accepted (k – kinetic energy of turbulent fluctuations, ? – dissipation rate). In the simulation, the wall boundary layers used advanced modeling parietal (Enhanced Wall Treatment). The results show that increasing the value of the cross constrained leads to a drastic change in the value of the local resistance coefficient. Parameter longitudinal constrained on the contrary has no appreciable effect on the value of coefficient of local resistance. The smallest value of the value of coefficient of local resistance takes for the flow of the jet in the flowing channel, the largest – in the flow of the jet in the channel with the out-of-alignment inflow and outflow.

constrained jets, constrained parameters, pressure loss, coefficient of local resistance, numerical method.
Buserev A.V., Selyugin A.S., Urmitova N.S., Каyumov F.F.   To the question of cleaning oily wastewater in hydrocyclones installation with coalescing packingsСтр.152

Oil-containing waste water formed in the oil fields in the process of extraction and preparation of oil, washing of vehicles, cooling of technological equipment of machine-building enterprises, in tanks the storage of fuel oil, etc. Kazan state University of architecture and engineering developed and implemented a number of devices of «block hydrocyclone-sedimentation tank» type for oily waste water equipped with nozzles coalescent. Thus in the pressure hydrocyclones is not only the destruction of booking shells on the droplets of oil and a partial separation of the emulsion type «oil in water», but also the coalescence of oil droplets, increasing the oil: the emulsions of the first kind, which greatly intensifies the subsequent process of treatment of oil-containing wastewater by sedimentation. The efficiency of the process oily wastewater due to the impact of gravitational forces is increased by the application of coalescing nozzles, which are used for pretreatment of oily wastewater before sedimentation. Their use greatly intensifies the cleaning process of oily waste water in the installations of the type unit is a hydrocyclone-sedimentation tank, contributing to the enlargement of finely dispersed droplets of oil products. The use of coalescing nozzles is one of the directions of the improvement of devices of type unit hydrocyclone sump.

oily wastewater, purification, hydrocyclone, block hydrocyclone sump, coalescence nozzle.
Urmitova N.S., Abitov R.N., Khisameeva L.R., Nizamova A.Kh.  Motion of a viscous liquid in the pores of the coarse granular coalescing nozzle with a linear resistance lawСтр.159

In this article, we set and solved problems of determining the motion of a viscous liquid in the pores of the coarse granular coalescing nozzle with a linear resistance law. During the liquid filtration in the pores of the loading, liquid particles move with speed and acceleration changing in magnitude and direction. Because of the motion complexity, velocities of the individual particles cannot be considered. Therefore, similar to the filtration theory, flow rates through a certain area are considered, and not velocities. Volume depends on the arrangement of the loading granules in a cylinder. The joint analysis of the calculated and experimental results showed satisfactory agreement of the hydraulic gradient values in a coarse loading of 4,0 mm fraction at a temperature of 20 оС, 50 оС and velocity from 13,1 to 49,8 m/s; and 17,5 mm fraction at a temperature of 20 оС and velocity from 13,1 to 33,7 m/s.

modeling, coalescing nozzle, armoring shells, oil particles, evaluation of forces, the incoming flow of liquid, fragmentation and coalescence, adsorption layers, granules, turbulent regime, polydisperse system.
Galeev R.R., Abdrahmanova L.A., Nizamov R.K.  Expanded perlite sand: the modification factors in PVC-compoundsСтр.166

The efficiency of modification of rigid PVC-compounds with expanded perlite sand (which is a waste heat shield in cryogenic systems) has been shown. Characteristics of the waste expanded sand such as mineral, fraction and chemical composition is given. The calculation of interfacial layer thickness has been made and change of the properties is being discussed relatively to the interfacial layer structure formation. The increase in thermal stability can be explained as the process of sorption of hydrogen chloride through open porous structure of the grains. In this paper, the influence on the properties of rigid PVC composites expanded perlite sand in the form of waste heat filling cryogenic installations of OJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim». Previously identified the effectiveness of the application as filler waste expanded perlite sand in the composition of the PVC-compounds was confirmed and rigid compositions.

polyvinyl chloride, expanded perlite sand, fraction composition, interfacial layer thickness, thermal stability.
Ermilova E.U., Kamalova Z.A., Rakhimov R.Z.  Hybrid cements based on metakaolin with low content of Portland cementСтр.172

The article presents the study about the hybrid cements. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of the content of tricalcium aluminate of Portland cement on the physical and mechanical properties of hybrid cement based on metakaolin and sodium sulfate. As the raw materials the Portland cement M500 D0 of Volski and Mordovian plants were used with low and medium content of tricalcium aluminate, respectively. As aluminosilicate component metakaolin was used, with the addition of sodium sulfate. The results of testing physical-mechanical characteristics of hybrid cements with a low content of Portland cement were shown. The influence of steam curing on the strength properties of hybrid cement was investigated. It is established that at the age of 1 day hybrid cements with a content of Portland cement 20-40 % have a strength in a 4-2,7 and 2,6-2 times higher than that of cement with no sample Volski and Mordovian cements, respectively.

hybrid cements, mineral additives, metakaolin, sodium sulphate.
Eruslanova E.V., Krasinikova N.M., Khozin V.G.  No warm-lightweight concrete on the basis of nano-modified dry mixtures for foamСтр.179

The main wall material used in the present time, are silicate and ceramic bricks and blocks, hollow blocks, exterior wall panels efficiency, monolithic wall, foam and aerated concrete blocks, small-pieces, as well as blocks of expanded clay. It has shown earlier the effectiveness of a new method of preparation of foam concrete and products made from the finished dry mixture comprising blowing agent, and a practical interest in the use of cellular concrete with porous aggregates. Results demonstrated the possibility of modifying the dry mixture nanoadditives and its technological compatibility with lightweight aggregates. This article shows the possibility to update a dry foam concrete mix (DFCM) and the joint work of the foam it with lightweight aggregates. It was established that the modification of its addition in an amount of 0,001 % by weight of cement improves strength of the resulting foam on average 15 %. Designed lightweight concrete heat-insulating and heat-insulating-constructional purposes showed an increase of constructive quality factor of 30 % or more.

dry mix, non-autoclave foam concrete. silica sol, lightweight aggregate, structural quality factor.
Morozova N.N., Hamza Abdulmalik Qais  Getting high fine-grained concrete with the use of natural zeoliteСтр.185

High-strength concrete has undergone many developments based on the study of the influence of cement type, type and amount of mineral admixtures, type of superplasticizer and the mineralogical composition of the aggregate for concrete. High-strength concrete is achieved by optimizing the composition and properties of raw materials. Mineral filler of low water requirement and high pozzolanic activity one of the factors in creating the high strength of cement concrete. These include natural zeolite from the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Natural zeolite as an effective mineral additive together with the additive Melflux 2641 F and graded sand allows to obtain high-strength fine-grained concrete classes B55, B60, B65 easily compacted traditional method of vibration, while fine-grained concrete mixtures are characterized by W/C ratio from 0,33 to 0,25. Continued research in this direction can ensure the creation of concrete super-brands based on construction of cement and graded fine aggregate, which for many of the regions are local.

High-strength fine-grained concrete, natural zeolite, water requirement, modified, high strength.
Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R., Dikina A.N.  The technology of manufacture and installation of modified gypsum platesСтр.194

Growth in new construction as well as renovation of existing buildings and structures is the need for effective, modern, high-strength and durable materials and products based on them. One of these products is gypsum sheets. Gypsum sheets are bio-positive material with high performance. Currently, widespread got wet process of forming gypsum sheets. A significant drawback of this method is complicated technological process. The use of the injection molding process of gypsum products eliminates complex manufacturing processes, as well as allows to expand the nomenclature used fibrous materials. The purpose of these studies is to get gypsum sheets with high performance based on low brand raw of Tatarstan using an injection molding process products using polypropylene fibers. The influence of polypropylene fibers of different length and content of the mixture based on low brand gypsum G6BII on flexural strength and compression of gypsum sheets is studied. The best results were achieved with the introduction of polypropylene fibers 6 mm long. Depending on their dosages, flexural strength is increased by 21,4 %, at a compression – 20,23 %. Introduction polypropylene fibers also increases the softening ratio is 28,6 %. The article also discussed partitions mount technology developed using gypsum sheets.

gypsum plates, technology, manufacturing, installation, fiber.
Potapova L.I., Furer V.L., Kovalenko V.I., Tsagolova E.I.  Analysis of IR-spectra of para-tert-butylcalix[6]areneСтр.201

It was shown by FTIR spectroscopy that the cyclic cooperative intramolecular hydrogen bond is realized in para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene. Decrease in the strength of cooperative hydrogen bond in calixarenes is due to the mutual influence on each other of covalent and hydrogen-bonded macrocycles. The structure of para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene was studied. The experimental X-ray data for para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene molecules were used in the simulation. Structural optimization and normal mode analysis were performed for para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene molecules based on density functional theory (DFT). The calculated geometrical parameters and harmonic vibrational frequencies of molecules are predicted in good agreement with the experimental data. It was found that the cone conformation is implemented for para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene molecules through cooperative hydrogen bond. Optimization of the structure and analysis of the normal vibrations are made for para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene based on the experimental IR spectra. It was shown that in the para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene cooperative hydrogen bond is implemented. Structural optimization was performed for para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene by quantum-chemical DFT method. The vibrational bands for the cone conformation were assigned. The theoretical absorption curve of para-tert-butylcalix[6]arene is in good agreement with the experimental IR-spectrum.

Stroganov V.F., Amelchenko M.O., Lygina T.Z., Naumkina N.I.  Possibility of regulation of technological and performance characteristics styrene-acrylic paints and lacquers materials filled by kaolins of different types of activationСтр.207

The article presents the results on the structure of various types of activated kaolin: ultrasonic treatment, acid activation, exposure to high temperatures. It is found that the high activation promotes the formation of an amorphous structure, which is confirmed by X-ray analysis - presence of an amorphous halo range 2? = 15-30o, ultrasound and acid treatment does not destroy the structure of the filler that has been previously demonstrated using the method of IR spectroscopy study. It is shown that the combined use of activated kaolin, with their different quantitative ratio to one another contributes to the manifestation of synergy. Increasing the basic lacquer coating characteristics on the dispersion E-21 (coverage, washability, water and moisture absorption, the adhesive strength) occurs at 1,2-1,4, which is apparently due to the presence in the paint filling amount of the amorphous and crystalline structures.

kaolin, activation, styrene-acrylic coatings, structure and properties, synergy effect, X-ray diffraction analysis.
Khaliullin M.I., Gaifullin A.R., Rakhimov R.Z.  Complex influence of the components on the basic properties of artificial stone based on clinker without gypsum composite bindersСтр.212

The influence on the structure and main physical and mechanical properties of artificial stone based on clinker without gypsum composite binders of mineral components: clay dust ground together with lime and superplasticizer, as well as combinations thereof in a composition with ground granulated blast slag is investigated. Introduction to composition of gypsum the optimum quantities of ground haydite dust together with lime and superplasticizer allows to obtain compared to the original construction plaster artificial stone with more dense and fine-grained structure, characterized by high strength and resistance to water, the consumption of gypsum is reduced. The introduction of the aforementioned components in combination with ground granulated blast slag due to the additional formation of new insoluble products of hydration and seal structure of artificial stone increases its strength and softening coefficient to the group of water-resistant materials. Consumption of gypsum is reduced when replacing parts on cheaper industrial waste – claydite dust and granulated blast furnace slag.

haydite dust, granulated blast furnace slag, lime, composite gypsum binder, artificial stone, water resistance.
Khamatova A.R., Khohryakov O.V.   The electro-steel-smelting slag JSC «Izhstal» for cements of low water demand and concrete on their basisСтр.221

The most important direction of development of the construction industry is the production of materials and products based on local raw materials, including the use of large-tonnage industrial waste. Therefore, ferrous metallurgy is a potential source of raw materials for production of construction materials. Introduction of electro-steel-smelting slag in cement production became possible thanks to the Russian scientists, who developed the technology of cements of low water demand. The investigated cements of low water demand were made by joint milling of binder, electro-steel-smelting slag OJSC «Izhstal» and plasticizers. We have considered the influence of electro-steel-smelting slag on the formation of structure and properties of cement, fine-grained and heavy concrete. We achieved to reduce the water demand of concrete on the basis of cements of low water demand and a significant increase of the grade strength of the concrete. Thus, we have proved the effectiveness of the use of electro-steel-smelting slag as aggregate for cements of low water demand.

cement of low water requirement, electro-steel-smelting slag, aggregate, structure of cement stone, concrete mix, heavy concrete.
Ibragimov R.A., Salimova G.R.  Analysis of the duration of the construction of modern large-panel residential buildings in KazanСтр.228

The article presents data comparing the actual and normative duration of the construction of large residential buildings in Kazan. Statistical array of background information for large-type series of buildings collected. The analysis showed that the implementation of investment projects, the rich variety of new space-planning and design solutions, methods of organizing production and construction technology of construction and assembly works, we need to significantly improve the valuation methodology duration of the construction of buildings and structures. On the basis of the analysis showed that the values of deviations of actual indicators of the duration of the construction of the standard leads to the conclusion that the period of construction of housing 14 and 17 storey buildings much higher than the normative terms of construction. Comparative analysis of existing good practice and the duration of the construction of buildings and structures shows that the total duration of the construction of residential buildings is the sum of the durations of the preparatory period, the device underground and aboveground parts finishing. This method of determining the duration of the construction is suitable for the organization of building a consistent method, but in a modern building in the main line method is applied, this approach is contrary to the definition of the duration of the construction of the production organization of construction, it does not reflect the appropriate solutions in the organizational and technological documentation. On the basis of a large number of statistical data it is necessary to develop recommendations for the definition of standards for the duration of the construction of large-type series of buildings in Kazan.

duration of construction, large-panel residential buildings, the standard period.
Mudrov A.G.  The ways of intensification of processes of construction technologiesСтр.233

Given original examples of intensification in a variety of construction techniques, in particular, engaged in mechanical mixing devices, e.g., screens, classifiers, gravamina-sorts. The proposed four groups of exposure to material: the inner one-period, multi-periodic external, universal, impulse. Intensification is achieved by using an adjustable inertial effect on the treated material, the spatial module implemented in three versions: parallelogram, intermediate, antiparallel performance. In the analysis of single-period and multi-period methods of mixing materials in the apparatus with stirrer and mixers revealed the effective application of them in the other sections of engineering and technology. Briefly note the most interesting cases of the use of basic methods developed for other purposes. The use of the method for moving object – inertia motor, the drive mechanism of the wing of the ornithopter, in the digging machine, the device for piling in devices for training of the vestibular apparatus, the rowing device, the device for compacting soil, the device for boats. Group exposure used in known or newly designed devices has high technical and economic indicators.

single-period, multi-period group, the spatial module, a switching device, the spatial mechanisms.
Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh.  Manufacturing technology and organization of production of cement-fiber platesСтр.241

The compositions of cement-fiber composite material of earlier studies we have developed for the production of cement-fiber plates with improved physical and mechanical properties and durability. Just study the effect of active mineral and chemical additives on the hydration of the binder and the physical and mechanical properties of cement-fiber plates, studied features of formation of structure and properties with builders, optimized process parameters for their manufacture. This paper describes a manufacturing technique and organization of production of cement-fiber wet process. The technological production line which includes the following process steps: fuzz fiber material, mixing it with mineral aggregates, cement and water, molding, pressing, hardening, machining. The required staffing designed for the organization of production. The production process has a direct impact on the financial results of the organization, so it is necessary to evaluate the probability of occurrence of events that could lead to its failure. The estimation of risks of production. Spend a SWOT-analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the project. It was found that to realize the production of cement-fiber plates is possible at the current construction enterprises, including by using existing technical base.

cement-fiber plates, production line, production management, fiber composite materials.
Khasanov R.M., Ladnushkin A.A., Sadykov R.R., Avhadeev R.R.  Spatial mounting systems in the reconstruction of the main building of enterprises of the energy supervisionСтр.247

Nowadays, a considerable amount of envelope of the main building of the Heat and Power Plant, state district power station, boiler buildings of the Soviet period of construction is in limited to operational or emergency condition. The most damaged structures of the main buildings of power enterprises include building envelope: curtain wall panels and ribbed slab. Emergency structures disassembling, ensuring safe performance of work requires a fundamentally different rigging and organization of the disassembling process. In article results of new technology of dismantle or replacement of protecting building designs of the main cases of the enterprises of power system without manufacture stop are resulted. Approbation of technology with acknowledgments of considerable economic benefit is spent and the patent for the invention is taken out.

technology, estimate, ropeyard system, installation, rigging, a chimney, panels, method.
Nikolaeva R.V.  Suggestions for road design taking into account the driver perception of road conditionsСтр.252

Analysis of causes of accidents on the roads shows that the majority of them occur due to mistakes made by drivers. Causes of driver error can be divided into internal (psycho-physiological condition of the driver) and external (road conditions). The causes of committing driver errors can be achieved at the design stage of the road. The curves in the plan are 15 % of road accidents, which indicates the complication of the conditions of movement on them compared to straight road segments. When designing roads it is necessary to consider the trajectory of (dispersion of trajectory) and the forces acting on the car (the discomfort index) on curved sections of road. For estimating the dispersion trajectory and the discomfort index is required to use the technologies of visualization and simulation of road space. This will allow to study the effect of road design on driver behaviour. The results of these studies should be taken into account in the regulations for design of highways. Properly designed road is crucial to prevent human errors and helps to reduce accidents.

road, radius of horizontal curve, speed, shear force, driver.
Barysheva O.B., Khabibullin Iu.Kh., Меlnik A.E.  Development of a method for processing solid waste using hot technologyСтр.259

Population growth and a general rise in living standards have led to increased consumption of goods and, because of disposable packaging materials, which greatly affected the amount of solid waste. In all countries of the world in recent decades, the number of solid waste in the form of municipal waste has increased dramatically, reaching an average per capita of 150-300 kg/year. The annual increase for waste is at least 3 %, and in some countries – about 10 %. Make a waste-free production cannot be just as impossible to make zero waste and consumption. Due to changes in industrial production, changes in living standards, increasing services market has changed significantly qualitative and quantitative composition of the waste. Solving the problem of recycling of solid gains in recent years is of paramount importance. Therefore, the problem of solid waste disposal or recycling has now become very important. In addition, in connection with the future gradual depletion of natural sources of raw materials for all branches of the national economy is of particular importance full use of all types of industrial waste.

municipal solid waste, compost, recycling, pyrolysis, heat emission.
Gumerova L.V., Gumerov A.V.  The strength that occurs when driving vortex filament around a circular cylinderСтр.265

In this paper we investigate the motion of free vortex filaments around a stationary circular cylinder. Tightness of the cylinder surface is provided by the placement of sources in the neighborhood of the points of the inner cylinder circuit. The power sources are determined by the condition of zero normal velocity in the circuit test points. This calculation model, in contrast to the method of discrete vortices does not introduce distortion tangential speed of the cylinder surface. The rate of flow out of the cylinder calculated as by the complex potential of the potentials of the external and the inversion of the vortices. Thus in one case of the integrated capacity potential entered the central vortex, and no other. We construct the velocity field for these three cases. Based on a comparison of fields it is deemed to be the introduction of the complex potential flow capacity of the central vortex for real motion of the vortex filament in an ideal fluid. Determined according to the total power per cylinder of the vortex filament, as the integration of surface pressure and pulse method at three different intensities of the central vortex. Calculations indicate the presence of a significant impact on the value of the central vortex of force.

the theorem of a circle, source, impermeability surface, unsteady flow, velocity field, a vortex in a fixed point.
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